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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

1 Season time/season table

The valid season times of one or several selling price tables are defined in the menuTravel->Basic Data->Season times.

The dialogue to generate new or edit existing season times is opened.
Own Notes:



1: Catalogue:
Selection of the catalogue, for the one new season table to be entered
2: Season tables
List of the season tables put on already; Distinction of season tables for „purchase ", „sales "and „purchase + sales "possible from upper drop down box
3: New
Generate a new season table
4: Edit
Edit on an existing season table (the table which shall be edited must be selected before)
5: Delete
Deletes an existing season table (the table to be deleted must be selected before)
6: New, Edit and Delete
Buttons for the generation, editing and deletion of one season period of a before selected season table
7: Season periods
Season periods of a season table

1.1 Generate a new season table

Enter a name for the season table.
Enter of a name and validity for which prices (purchase, sales or both) this season table shall be valid.
Kind of the season table:
Differentiate the kind of season table you would like to enter.
Periods (Standard):
A certain period for one season shall be entered here. See 1.2
Traffic days:
The season is entered based on the traffic days. In addition a price profile may be entered. (See the advanced training seminar for further information)
Virtual season times
(See the advanced training seminar for further information)
Own Notes:

1.2 Enter New Season Periods

To enter a new season period the season table, where the new period shall be added, must be selected first.
To edit an existing season period: select the season table and the season period.

Own Notes: Detail dialogue Season period:

Internal description of the season period
Season code:
Code of the season period; the price is always linked to the season code, i.e. if several periods exist, where the same prices are valid, the same season code are assigned to these periods
Date from and to:
Validity period of the season
Departure from
The season can be limited to a special departure Airport
The season can be limited to a special Airline
You may enter a special cancellation relay.
You may enter a special rebooking fee relay


The price-wizard will be started via the blue marked Button „generate new Price Table"

After starting the wizard a group, where the new price shall be stored, needs to be selected. If no appropriate group is available, a new group can be added.

Select of a group and „CONTINUE". Now the kind of the price, i.e. Hotel price, is selected. Thus certain fields in the Price Table are filled with default values

Select the price category and „CONTINUE". The Price Tables in the selected group are indicated. You may now select an existing Price Table and „CONTINUE" will add the price details to this particular Price Table or you may first select the Button „add new Price Table" to add a new Price Table.

Button „Add New Price Table":

1: Name
Name of the Price Table, default is Name of the Booking Code.
2: Requirement
Limit to certain requirements
3: Price code
Will be explained in the „Ship"Seminar
4: Season table
Selection of the season table, being valid for this Price Table
5: Price calculation
Price calculation being the basis of this Price Table Departure-referred: The selection of the season period is based on the departure date of the Service. Return Date-referred: The selection of the season period is based on the return date of the Service. Residence-referred: The selection of the season period is dependent on the stay, i.e. the journey begins in one Season period and ends in another season period, and then the price is proportionately calculated. Departure (reason)/stay (extension): The determination of the season period for the defined basic price will be departure-date-referred; the price for the extension will be residence-referred determined. Periodically:
Used on special occasions only
6: Price Table available in all catalogues: If this flag is activated, the Price Table applies to all catalogues, i.e. it can be assigned to each reservation code, even if the reservation code is assigned to a catalogue
Ignore super ordinate rules: Super ordinate price rules, i.e. on land level are ignored during the price calculation.

In this dialogue the price rules are defined, which apply to all prices of a Price Table. For the exact definition of the fields refer to price generating.
OK will generate the Price Table and you will get back to the wizard.

Select the desired Price Table and CONTINUE.
The individual prices of each individual season period can be entered now.

Select the desired season period and continue with "Generate Price"

The code combinations defined with the service types will be suggested first.
These are transferred as code combination to the price.
Select „generate price"if a price shall be liked to another code combination.

Price calculation:
Per + Basic:
Define for how many days/nights the basic price applies;
e.g. 3 nights: the price will be calculated per 3 nights each
Unique: The price is calculated uniquely for the entire period (e.g. with round trips)
Calculation type:
Number: Price is calculated per number, e.g. booked room
Reservation: Price is calculated uniquely per reservation
Participants: Price is calculated per assigned participant
Selected Price Type
Basic Price:
Enter the Basic Price
Code Combination:
Enter of the code combination for which the price is to be calculated. The code combination can be set up from up to 5 individual codes. The codes are entered into the code table. The flag „use as price code"must be activated with this code
Own notes:

„NEXT "will open the next dialogue.

Product Type:
Each price line must be assigned to a Product Type. These Product Types are steering e.g. Agency commissions, cancellation fees, etc.
VAT Rate on Sales:
If the selling price contains a VAT Rate this Rate is selected here.
Extension Price:
Indicate from which day on the extension price is commencing and at what price.
Domestic-/foreign portion:
If the price contains a domestic portion then this is to be indicated here.
„Finish"will bring you back to the wizard.

According to this pattern now all prices at all code combinations and season periods are entered. The Button „Finish"will store the Price Table and jump back into the reservation code.

Own notes:

The same scheme will also be used for Price Tables on purchase and Last Minute prices.

After storing the reservation code the Price Table from the Service dialogue are displayed.

Use the Tabs „Sales ", „Purchase" and „Last Minute" to interchange between the individual Price Tables


The Top Level is the Price Table. This was created automatically by the wizard and linked with the reservation code. Via the Context menu the functionalities of the Price Table can be opened and edited.

Price rules will be displayed
All Season Dates
This setting will display all season dates, even if these are entered several times for the selected price.
Create a new Sub-Price Table
Generates a new Price
Prices converting:
Purchase Prices will be calculated as new Sales Prices.
Price editing:
Batch editing of prices
Edit Season Table:
Edit the selected Season Table here.
Delete the selected Season Table here.
Open the Price Detail Masks fort he Price Table selected.

Own Notes:

3.2 Main Price Table / Sub Price Table

Using the wizard will always create a Main Price Table (access code „PRIMARY ").
This table is the standard access for the calculation of the prices.
Sub price Tables may be added to each Main Price Table.
A main price table is basically also a sub price table but with the PRIMARY access code.
Characteristics of the Main Price Table:

Own Notes:

Access code:
The main price table has always the access code „PRIMARY ".
Name + Description:
Name and description of the sub price table
Currency and exchange rate:
Currency and exchange rate of the prices per sub price table
No Entry
Cost Type:
Standard Cost Type to be used for each Price
Only against Miles:
Will be described in the next class
Miles are active on Prices:
Will be described in the next class
Ignore super ordinate Rules:
Super ordinate price rules, e.g. for land- or catalogue level for this price table are ignored

Define the valid price rules for all prices in this sub price table.

Generate a new Sub Price Table

The detail masks are identical to those in the main price table. The only difference is the access code, which specifies, when the price calculation has to be made by the sub price table.

Own Notes:

3.4 Context menu on Sub Price Level

Generate a new Price code:
See above
Copy sub price table:
Copies the selected sub price table
Displays the all surcharges and discounts if selected
All season dates:
This entry displays all season dates even if multiple entries apply
Prices converting:
See above
Prices editing:
See above
Edit season table:
Edit the season table selected
Delete the season table selected
Open the price detail mask for the season table selected



Displays the all surcharges and discounts if selected
All season dates:
This entry displays all season dates even if multiple entries apply

Add Season Code:
Add another season code to an existing price.
Add All Season Codes:
See above
Copy Price Code:
Copy this price code
Delete the price table selected
Open the price detail mask for the price table selected


On the level of the season times different functionalities can be started.

Generate a new price
This menu option is to display the price including all applicable add-ons.
A further price and/or further rules may be added.

Own notes:

Price segments:
Select whether this price is a basic or extension price.
Full Rate Guest / Bed:
To be specified in the advanced class.
This price will only be drawn, if this rule applies.
Amount of day's fort his particular price e.g. 3 days
Minimum days
Maximum days
Enter the price as an absolute figure
Enter the price as a percentage value (e.g. insurances may be calculated as a percentage of the gross selling price)
Belongs to the filed „percentage", if the percentage is lower than the value entered the entered value will be used fort he calculation.

Product Type:
Each price line needs to have an assigned product type.
Product type are controlling e.g. Agency commissions or cancellation fee tables
VAT on Sales:
If the sales price includes a VAT Percentage, it will be entered here

Package group:
To be specified in the SHIP class
Group Code:
The group code will gather various Add-ons and discounts and imprint them on the invoice in one amount instead of single price lines.
Single display:
Grouping and collecting of prices and the display of theses amounts.
Excl. from Package:
Grouping and collecting of prices and the display of theses amounts.
Cost Type:
Cost type of the price, set up for accounting
No Calculation of TCEI (RRV):
If this flag is activated, this price will not be used for the Travel Cancellation Expenses Insurance calculation
From booking date:
Booking date from this price will commence
To booking dates:
Up to this Booking date this price will be valid
Valid from:
Period from this price will commence
Valid to:
Up to this date this price will be valid
Particular days fort he validity of this price
All Weekdays on/off:
Select either all days or no days

Select a rule to be used for surcharges or discounts
If a Service is selected, this rule applies only in conjunction with this service type
Select the calculation type to be used with this rule
Select whether this price is a basic or extension price.
Enter the percentage value
Absolute add-on/discount
Product Type:
Each price line needs to have an assigned product type.
Product type are controlling e.g. Agency commissions or cancellation fee tables
To be advised in the advantage class
VAT on Sales:
If the sales price includes a VAT Percentage, it will be entered here

VAT from:
Calculated surcharge/discount includes the VAT rate of the used basis prise
Ignore inherited:
To be advised in the advantage class
Package group/group code/Single display/excl. from package:
See above
Date from / to
Period of departure dates fort he rule validity
Price validity:
Define which days/nights are to be used
Define which days/nights are to be used for the calculation

This flag changes the characteristics of this field and you have to set set figures into this field e.g. 200 to 100 days prior to departure
Booking from / to:
Period of booking dates fort he validity of this rule
If multiple rules are assigned to a group and appear to be valid, automatically the best choice fort he client will be chosen.
Define the kind of date for the fields: „Date from"and „Date to"
Booking date: Compare with the booking date.
Booking date Service: Compare with the booking date of each service
Change date: Compare with the changing date (rebooking etc.)
The level defines what has to be included into each calculation: lowest level = Basic price only // Highest level = Include all steps to be found
Cost Type:
Cost type of the price, set up for accounting
No Calculation of TCEI (RRV):
If this flag is activated, this price will not be used for the Travel Cancellation Expenses Insurance calculation
Flag for various Reports, during imprint it is to decides which rule has to be printed or not (has to be programmed per Report too)