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Flight Seat Regulation - Revision
1 Introduction
2 Definitions
2.1 Flight seat regulation
2.1.1 Flight seat regulation settings
2.2 Maintenance of flight seat regulation
2.2.1 Booking Code Settings
2.2.2 Dialog Flight Seat Regulation
2.3 Package finder
2.4 What is not checked by Flight Seat Regulation?







Purchased number of seats/rooms


Purchased - sold

Flight seat regulation


Possible durations for Thursday departures

From 01/07 - till?

3 day

01 - 03/07

8 day

01 - 08/07

10 day

01 - 10/07

15 day

01 - 15/07

17 day

01 - 17/07

22 day

01 - 22/07

24 day

01 - 24/07

29 day

01 - 29/07

31 day

01 - 31/07


01/07 +

Possible durations for Saturday departures

From 03/07- till?

6 day

03 - 08/07

8 day

03 - 10/07

13 day

03 - 15/07

15 day

03 - 17/07

20 day

03 - 22/07

22 day

03 - 24/07

27 day

03 - 29/07

29 day

03 - 31/07


03/07 +

Wednesday and Saturday departures


Possible durations for Wednesday departures

From 30/06 - till?

4 day

30/06 - 03/07

8 day

30/06 - 07/07

11 day

30/06 - 10/07

15 day

30/06 - 14/07

18 day

30/06 - 17/07

22 day

30/06 - 21/07

25 day

30/06 - 24/07

29 day

30/06 - 28/07

32 day

30/06 - 31/07


30/06 +

Possible durations for Saturday departures

From 03/07- till?

5 day

03 - 07/07

8 day

03 - 10/07

12 day

03 - 14/07

15 day

03 - 17/07

19 day

03 - 21/07

22 day

03 - 24/07

26 day

03 - 28/07

29 day

03 - 31/07


03/07 +

Maintenance of flight seat regulation


For regulating of destination, or booking codes, the user will have to assign to the booking codes an origin and destination. The definitions of these values are taken from the statistic codes - Destination.
For an outbound flight i.e. PRG RHO/QSA the origin should be PRG and destination RHO.
The inbound flight RHO PRG/QSA would therefore have the origin RHO and destination PRG.
This functions as the initial pairing for flights, as there can exist more than one flight (Booking code), or more seat classes with similar or unique allotments.

Flight rotations do not have to be set up for flight regulation functionality.
However, if it would be preferred to link corresponding flights (Booking codes) flag the corresponding flights, and the Flight Destination will change to Corresponding flights. Where as, in the drop down box you will then have the choices of booking codes rather than Statistical codes. Important: the booking code linked must also be linked to this booking code for this to function in the regulation dialog! Additionally, these results will not be listed with those of the Destination in the flight regulation, and vice versa.




Dep. Date

Date of departure


Which day of the week the departure occurs

Class out

Service class


Outbound Flight - Kontikopf Description

Sub allot.out

Outbound flight sub allotment

Departure Gar

Amount of defined Guaranteed allotments for the outbound flight for specific class, date, and allotment

Departure Non

Amount of defined Non-Guaranteed allotments for the outbound flight for specific class, date, and allotment

Class in

The inbound flight service class (must be identical to outbound)

Flight in

Inbound flight - Kontikopf description (must be cooresponding to outbound description)


Inbound flight sub allotment - must be identical to outbound sub allotment

Result Gar

Sum of Guaranteed allotments for inbound flights in the row

Result Non

Sum of Non-Guaranteed allotments for inbound flights in the row

Departure duration

7, 10, 11, 14, 21...


Amount of Guaranteed allotments defined/available for this duration


Amount of Non-Guaranteed allotments defined/available for this duration


The amount of seats that the user wishes limit for a specific duration. The limitation is placed on the inbound flight.


The number of occupied seats (allotments) with in the matching combination of allotments on the specified duration.


The limitation of seats is visible in the package finder transport availability fields.
Mandatory to display the amount limited are the following fields:
Catalog, Destination, Transportation, departure date, and (important) Nights
In the below example, duration is not filled. Therefore, Flight seat regulation is not checked. Reason for this is that system requires what the expected duration to calculate is. Below, there is only one departure date (however there could have been more) and the return date for a 14 night departure can be the same as a 7 or 21 night duration. Thus, to see the limitation, a user must enter the requested nights in the field "Nights".

Once the duration is used, then Flight seat regulation is able to display the actual status of the limited flight pairs.

For the 7 night duration, there had not been any limitation set. Thus all of the remaining allotments are still valid for sale in this departure and duration

There also exists the possibility to close duration, by setting the limitation amount to 0. If seats have already been sold, then the limitation should equal the amount of occupied.

Once a limitation has been reached, the booking, or rebooking into, flight pair that no longer possesses available seats, based upon limitation is no longer possible.

The error message "K521 Service sold out - Check alternatives" is displayed, and the outbound flight is highlighted.
Bookings that already possess allotments from the limited flight pairs are possible to be rebooked after the limitation. However, additional seats cannot be requested as the limitation has been reached.
