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Flight rotation

Create flight rotation dialog


Seat dialog
Fill in the seat dialog; use the same codes that are used by the service types.
To change rotations
Right mouse click and select properties.

Search dialog tab
You may make manual changes to the flights in found by the select filter.
Or make a summary change – this tab allows you to make a change on more than one date.
The left column: filter for what to look for with in each of the categories.
The right column: the change to make with in the categories.

Fill the seat data in the dialog and select change.
After selecting change, the seats for all dates are changed.

Assignment of rotations:
Assign the rotation to corresponding Booking Codes

Settings for automatic distribution:
Automatic distribution is the automated assignment of passengers to flights.
These settings must be activated for the automation to function; the activation setting and the setting for calculating the available amount of seats in the rotation.

Automatic distribution OFF
After BA action

Automatic distribution ON
After BA action

This is the level 1 flight if we reverse the flights in the rotation:


And use a BA action once again, the 2nd row, which is level one will be used.

Fix the booking

Flight distribution:

If automatic distribution was not activated or if the participants desire to be on an earlier or later flight DaVinci users can assign participants to a flight using the flight distribution dialog.
As distribution appears in the Tool bar menu or
