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title03/2004 HJP





Only in case of NON system Queue. (For example: Queues defined as "no function")
Select a Queue which has been defined in menu "Queue_"_. If a Queue has been selected, it's not possible to select a Type. The Event will directly be assigned to a Queue.


The Queue parameter in the catalogue management controls the catalogue containing the booking code*:*
To open the Catalogue Management use the corresponding tool bar Icon and double click on the selected catalogue.

Tool bar Icon to open for the catalogue management

Via drop down User is the above defined Queue to a catalogue. (Always under the precondition that the corresponding Type of Queue and Queue have been defined)


New Type added

Connection Queue  Type
Mark the line of the Queue and connect the Employee to the corresponding sales office.

Connection Queue  Event

New Queue "Fully Paid" is now appearing in menu Bookings > Queue

Full Payment is done.

New Queue - Entry is generated

Possible Actions in the Queue menu:


Selection of the corresponding System queue, which was been defined in menu "Queue_"_. If a Queue has been selected, it's not possible to select a Type. The Event will directly be assigned to a Queue.
