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title11/2004 FL







Title of the passenger in the booking

Adult  H, D
Child  K
Baby  B
Lady  D
Mr.  H
Ms.  D
Infant  B

Example above:
Rule is only fired for participants with title H,D in the booking


Age, Number

Age from - to

Example above:
Rule is only fired for participants with title H,D in the booking that are between 50 and 55 years old

From - till

Example above:
Rule is only fired for participants with title H,D in the booking that are between 50 and 55 years old and that are the first or the second one of this attributes in the booking


Example above:
Rule is only fired for participants with title H,D in the booking that are between 50 and 55 years old and that are the first or the second one of this attributes in the booking;
and when there are not more than 2 passengers with the Title ADULT in the booking.


Min-Max-Restrictions can be combined with AND/ OR - relation
Example in Genesis:
RULE IS FIRED AS the second restriction is combined with OR and is valid:

Changing the relation to AND the RULE ISN'T FIRED anymore:
