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Description for deposit

There are 3 possibilities to define deposit in DaVinci:

  1. booking code prio. 1
  2. client prio. 2
  3. settings prio. 3

Booking Code

In booking code there is a box with 3 different deposit types:
Absolut: calculating a fix deposit for this booking code
per person: means calculation a fix deposit per participants
Prozent: means calculating a percentage on the total amountas deposit for the entire booking.
(those items have to be reworked)
Change deposit-settings in Bookingcode like:
is a field containing the value of an amount or a percentage.Add new item and rename: "Fix auf Buchung"
"Fix pro Person"
"Prozent auf Buchung"
_„Prozent pro Person"_h3.Add 2 new Flags: "Exklusiv" and "Ignoriere Standardanzahlung" "Exclusiv"


  • will calculate a percentage on the total amount of the service.(needed for 100% deposit of a service like an event ticket)


If there is a special deposit entry into the client the system should ignore all entries in the basic-settings. The deposit rules of the client are overruled by those entries in the Bookingcodes.
If any "Gehört-Zu" value is found, the related "Gehört-Zu"-record could have a special deposit definition. Those should be considered.


Settings will keep the fields for percentage and all fix amounts.
Settings will keep the flag "Anzahlung immer pro Person".
If this flag is enabled the system will calculate the value of " Anzahlung Fest" per person involved in the current booking file excluding the children and infants because they have own values for fix amounts.
2 new parameter for deposit:
„Anzahlung Maximal"
„Anzahlung Minimal"

We need new fields for Minimum and Maximum deposit amount per person.


Whatever the system has calculated as total deposit, at least it has to be in between those limits.

Rules to calculate the Deposit

Example-Booking in Genesis says:
Code Price
Hotel 500
Flight 700
Ticket 100 special deposit-setting in this booking code of Euro 50,00
"Fix auf Buchung"
Total 1300
2 Pax are on the booking and assigned to all services.
A. In basic-settings or client-settings there has been set 20% as standard-deposit
