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(see Work Package 3)
33Default setting related to import of sales prices from air file to booking file
34Default setting related to import of purchase prices from airfile to booking file
37 System behaviour for creation of new booking sequence with PNR import (needs to be deactivated)
39Default setting for import of participants of PNR as participants in Genesis (needs to be deactivated)
49System behaviour for import of PNR to service where PNR has already been imported (needs to be activated)
50Default setting to import elements of one PNR to several booking files (needs to be activated for group business)
55Default service profile related to PNR import (only needed in case that purchase/sales prices shall be imported)*
*Set up of default service profile is made via Travels – Service/price profile

In the upper part of the frame, the service profile can be created which is linked to be used during PNR import in the system settings.

Additionally, it is necessary to define price profiles for purchase and sales prices in the lower part of the frame. Both a price profile for fare as well as tax need to be created each.
Example of a price template for Fare:

Example of a price template for Tax:


Important: Link the Price Profiles to a new Point in the Settings on the Level of Flight Interface Image Added
Set up of scheduled job

The scheduled job for ticket import is defined in GenVas Dialogue via Extras/Scheduler...
Database and Password need to be defined for the scheduled service:

The configuration is defined in the dialogue which can be opened with the icon.

The scheduled tasks can be defined in the dialogue which can be opened with the icon.

In the task list dialogue, the new scheduled job can be added.

The wizard guides to the list of different tasks which can be scheduled.

External interface needs to be selected

where then Automatic CRS Import can be chosen

The Automatic CRS Import Dialogue is confirmed with OK.

Name of the job and schedule can be defined.

The schedule can now be stored.

Now, the job is available in the task list.

Remark: In case that the ticket-import shall run several times a day, mulitple jobs need to be defined in the task list.
