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Eric Heuvelmann




Eric Heuvelmann




Eric Heuvelmann




Eric Heuvelmann / Bas Bruijninckx


title04/2003 EH


1 Discounts/Supplements
1.1 Discounts on unit level
1.2 Discount second unit
1.3 Discount for specific unit
1.4 Duration discount
1.5 Child discounts
1.6 Children in own room
1.7 Discount combinations
1.8 Other


Requirement ANWB
Duration related discounts are supported by DaVinci. The discount will always be given for the last nights. Often there is an agreement with the supplier that discount will be given based on the cheapest nights.
Solution DaVinci
A calculation method will be introduced in the rules chart using a drop down box. Possible values for this field are: First nights, Last nights, Cheapest nights, Most expensive nights, Average price.

If a price is calculated for 14 days and this rule is set on 3 days free, there are 5 possibilities to reduce total:
Last days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7 days à 90
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) =1330 - (3*90) = 1060
First days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7 days à 90
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) =1330 - (3*100) = 1030
Cheapest days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 - (3*90) = 1760

Most expensive days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 - (3*100) = 1730
Average price:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 - (3*96,70) = 1739,90

Child discounts


  1. In one party are 3 children (between 5 and 9) and 3 adults, sharing a unit. All three children will receive a discount as the requirement for minimum 2 full paying passengers has been reached.
  2. In one party are 3 children (between 5 and 9) and 1 adults, sharing a unit. Two of the three children will receive a discount as the requirement for minimum 2 full paying passengers has not been reached by the adult alone. The two children that receive the discount are the children that get the highest discount (if all discounts are equal, the last two children will receive the discount)
  3. A second rule has been defined with an age between 2 and 5 and a minimum full paying passengers of 2. In one party there are three children. One aged between 2 and 5, 2 between 5 and 9. There are two adults in the party. All children are eligible for their discounts as there are two full paying passengers.
  4. Same situation as in 3, but with only one adult. Assuming the 2-4 discount has a higher priority the youngest child and one of children aged 5-9 will receive a discount. One of the children aged between 5 and 9 will NOT receive the discount to fulfil the need for 2 full paying passengers.
  5. Same situation as in 4 but the rule of 2-5 has a minimum number of full paying passengers of 1. Now there is a conflict between the rules for the children aged 2-5 and the children aged 5 - 9. According to one rule the minimum full paying passengers is 1, according to the other it is 2. In this case the highest minimum number of full paying passengers (2) will be used in this case. The same children will receive a discount as in the example no. 4.


Requirement ANWB
It is not possible to defined child discounts for children that occupy their own room.
Eg: At least 2 rooms have been booked, from which one is occupied by at least the number of 'full paying passenger', and the other is occupied only by children.
Solution DaVinci
A flag will be introduced in the rules to indicate that the rule is a 'children in own room' rule. If this flag is set the discount applies only on rooms that are fully occupied by children. The rule will only fire for those children that meet the requirements of the age (if specified - if no ages are specified the rule applies to all children (title = K)). Also; if the minimum number of full paying passengers is set GenVas will check if this requirement is met in the booking (the minimum number of full paying passengers normally applies to the unit).
The 'alleinbelegung kinder'-check should be replaced with a check for 'rule only valid when valid for all participants in the room'. However, this is maybe difficult to check within GenVas, especially with the pricelayers and regelgruppen.

