Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  • Ending-up
  • Ending-down
  • Ending
  • No rounding

 It was enhanced since version 1052 that all calculations will affect only the price lines the user has marked.

This is also valid for the currency rate, the rounding and the following described calculations of commission Margin and additional parameter.

A button "Select all" will mark all lines with on action.



After clicking on the "Save" Button, the sales price will be calculated and storedgenerated and stored.

Since version 1052 only the price lines are stored the user has marked previously. In case a user wants to save all lines he can use the button: "Select all".

In the list DaVinci shows the result of the conversion process.
A new price table in the tab "sales" of the price administration console of DaVinci is displayed.

Example for sales price of one room ("Superior Bungalow Doppel") calculated out of purchase price:
In season "1" the "Superior Bungalow" costs 173,00 EUR per night. Additionally the tour operator charges the night/child with 43 EUR.