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Bug-WI 5.8.2011
Accomodation search is not able to return a result (due to performance problems)
Found in DaVinci-Version: 1049_05
Reproducible on BETA: yes
Location of database: davi-projekt03\sql2005
Version of database: Beta
Last update on database: (e.g. 12/06/2010)
Description (please provide in English):
Using the accomodation search in Genesis won't return any result.
Using the accomodation search in Genesis to search for destination "BER":
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After clicking on SEARCH the application returs that no hotels are available:
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In the sql profiler you can see that following EXEC will end in an timeout:
This causes the empty result.
You can reproduce the behaviour by executing this sql on the Railtour database:
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The sql took 17 minutes and returns a big result.
The performance of the accomodation search is too bad. With a big amound of data a result must be returned and displayed in Genesis!
In case of using this exec
The run takes only 12 seconds!
Following changes were done by Michael Freitag to make the execute faster:
In Transport_Search_For_Catalog:
IF(@tmpOutboundFlightNights IS NULL)
SET @tmpOutboundFlightNights = 0
IF(@tmpInboundFlightNights IS NULL)
SET @tmpInboundFlightNights = 0Since this Bugfix the accommodation search in Genesis gets a better performance.