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Line 1 Action ‚S' with user price allowed
Line 2 Cancellation without costs from booking date
Line 3 Product type for cancellations SP (sales price)
Line 4 Cost type of cancellation SP (sales price)
Line 5 Product type for cancellation PP (purchase price)
Line 6 Cost type of cancellation PP (purchase price)
Line 7 Cancellation fee from the highest amount from all sequences
Line 8 Cancellation fee must have at least a value of deposit
Line 9 Check package structure if cancelled
Line 10 Product type for GB cancellation fee
Line 11 Cost centre for GB cancellation fee
Line 12 Account group for GB cancellation fee
Line 13 Obligatory cancell. Reason
Line 14 Cancellation possible to x days before departure
Line 15 Part cancellation not allowed
Line 16 Cancellation tax

Line 1 Action ‚S' with user price allowed

If the flag is off it is not allowed to amend the pricelines of a cancellation fee, after action SA

Line 2 Cancellation without costs from booking date

A booking could be cancelled for free on the booking date with action S

Line 3 Product type for cancellations SP (sales price)

If this field is empty the product type from the not cancelled service will taken after cancellation.

If the field is filled with a specific product type especially for cancellations this will be used

Business case:
In this line it makes sometimes sense to use own product types, because this is the assignment for the sales price (SP). If the given commission on cancellation fee has a different percent value then for the active service
Cancellation 8% commission
Hotel 10% commission

Line 4 Cost type of cancellation SP (sales price)

If a tour operator deals with cost types (account assignment) it is possible, that a special cost type (account) appears in case of cancellation.
If it is empty the cost type from the not cancelled service will be taken

Important if the turnover for cancellation fee should run on another account, it is necessary to use an own cost type.

Line 5 Product type for cancellation PP (purchase price)

Similar to line 3 for the purchase price side, but not so important, because there are no commission for the PP.

Line 6 Cost type of cancellation PP (purchase price)

Similar to line 4 for the purchase price side

Line 7 Cancellation fee from the highest amount from all sequences

This flag protect following business case. Users make a lot of rebookings especially in the internet to decrease the price. Example: Shorter stay, cheaper hotel etc.
In the most cases is the rebooking fee not such a high amount. In the end the booking will be cancelled and the cancellation fee will be calculated over the decreased amount. This could be in total, together with the rebooking fee a much less amount than the cancellation fee from the initial booking.
If the flag is on the cancellation fee will always calculated over the sequence with the highest amount the booking ever have had.

Line 8 Cancellation fee must have at least a value of deposit

Is the calculated cancellation fee lower than the down payment, DaVinci calculates the down payment as fee if the flag is on.

Line 9 Check package structure if cancelled

Reminder for Package change is now disabled for Cancellation (SA, S, ...). Additionally the internal check order of packages was wrong, now it is like doing a BA.

Line 10 Product type for GB cancellation fee

The GB (Gebuehr) line will be generated as an add on cancellation fee to the regular cancellation fee.

Two important settings in the cancellation chart table are necessary to create such an additional line.

Product type must be empty and 'valid always' must be flagged on.
This additional line is currently at Swiss tour operators in use.
In the field in line 10 the product type for the new price line has to be selected.

Line 11 Cost centre for GB cancellation fee

If the above described line should have a cost centre (account) user is able to assign it here. 

titleImportant to know

Cost center is the same as cost type in the terminology of that table


Line 12 Account group for GB cancellation fee

An account group is to define under accounting and contains a group of accounts as an alternative to the cost type.

Line 13 Obligatory cancell. Reason

With that flag a tour operator has the possibility to require a reason for the customer's cancellation.
If working with that it is important to generate a customer request and flag cancellation reason.
In that customer request it is necessary to declare text as mandatory.

Line 14 Cancellation possible to x days before departure

In that field TO can define how many days in prior of departure a booking could be cancelled.
Example 30 days

Line 15 Part cancellation not allowed

Flag on: Trying to delete service in line 3 (not allowed)

Flag off: Trying to delete service in line 3 (allowed)

Line 16 Cancellation tax

Not in function 

titleImportant to know

In Germany it is not necessary by law to put VAT on cancellation fee for domestic services.
If VAT has to be assigned (for TO in other states with other regulations) this should be done in the cancellation chart table.