Versionen im Vergleich


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Requirement ANWB
Duration related discounts are supported by DaVinci. The discount will always be given for the last nights. Often there is an agreement with the supplier that discount will be given based on the cheapest nights.
Solution DaVinci
A calculation method will be introduced in the rules chart using a drop down box. Possible values for this field are: First nights, Last nights, Cheapest nights, Most expensive nights, Average price.

If a price is calculated for 14 days and this rule is set on 3 days free, there are 5 possibilities to reduce total:
Last days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7 days à 90
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) =1330 – (3*90) = 1060
First days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7 days à 90
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) =1330 – (3*100) = 1030
Cheapest days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 – (3*90) = 1760

Most expensive days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 – (3*100) = 1730
Average price:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 – (3*96,70) = 1739,90

Child discounts


  1. Party of 4, 2 adults, 2 children. Rule is created for children in their own room, with a minimum number of paying passengers of 2, to receive a discount of 50%. The children will share a room. The rule will fire because the room is fully occupied by children, and there are 2 full paying passengers in the other room.
  2. Same as 1, but with 1 adult and 2 children. The rule is the same. In this case the children will not receive the children in own room discount as the requirement for 2 full paying passengers is not met. They may receive other child discounts if they are specified.
  3. Two children in their own room discounts have been set. One for ages 4-8 and one for ages 9-14, minimum full paying passengers is 2 for both rules. Party of 4 with 2 children, one of 5 and one 10 years old sharing the room. Each gets the discount associated with their rule.
  4. One 'children in their own room' discount has been set for children aged 4-12, minimum full paying passengers is 2. Party of 4 with 2 children, one of 8 and one 14 years old sharing the room. Even though there is no children in their own room discount for the age of 14, still the rule must apply for the 8 year old as the room is fully occupied by children!

We're afraid that this is really not the case we meant. The rule should not fire, a 'children in their own room' discount only fires if for ALL the participants of the room a 'children in their own room' discount is defined. In this case there is no 'children in own room' discount defined for the 14 year old participant. (Note: It could be that also a normal 'child discount' rule has been defined for children with the age of 4 to 12 with minimum full paying passengers set to 1, in which case that rule will fire.)

Discount combinations
