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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Dynamic Rules Set

1 Concept
1.1 The structure
1.2 Create a rule group:
1.3 Create a rule
1.4 Create a condition
1.5 Possible Conditions
1.5.1 Affecting certain catalogue
1.5.2 Going to a certain destination
1.5.3 Falling in certain departure period
1.5.4 Falling in certain booking period
1.5.5 Starting from a certain departure airport
1.5.6 Going to a certain arrival airport
1.5.7 Which includes certain service types
1.5.8 Which includes certain booking codes
1.5.9 Comprehensive section-combination
1.6 Create an action:
1.7 Actions
1.7.1 Add obligatory service
1.7.2 Use cancellation-fee-chart
1.7.3 Use booking change fee-chart
1.7.4 Enforce group requirement service
1.7.5 Use access code for prices
2 New conditions
2.1 "originate from a certain booking source"
2.2 „Service duration during rebooking"
2.3 „duration of service duration during rebooking"
2.4 Error message


The idea of the rules set, is that you can enter „if" - „then" relationships. The rules which are defined here overrule all other settings in DaVinci.
In a rule the user defines the condition when a special action should be executed.
The Rail&Fly Ticket should be loaded automatically in the booking if the departure airport is DUS.
IF there is a booking code in the booking which has ZRH as departure airport
THEN put in the mandatory service RAIL with the same date as the flight booking code with ZRH as departure airport.
Generally there can be X rules,


Conditions and actions are linked with „AND" and can be pool together in one rule.
IF one specific catalogue AND a special travel time (christmas) is requested
THEN add a mandatory service Rail Ticket and a christmas bonus.
In one rule there is no „OR" linking of several condiitonas or actions. If a specific catalogue or a specific travel time is permissbile.
In the dialogue of the conditions or the actions there can be an „OR" linking where the user has the choice.
Example:Add a mandatory Service
Here there can be combined two two destination areas with one transfer service.
Input for an „R" linking would be:
Add as default a flight service to the booking, but bus transfer or rental car would also be valid. Start rules set
In the toolbar in the travel menu is the new entry Rules/Dynamic Packages

Otherwise you can open the rules set with the following icon:


Falling in certain departure period

The desired departure period can be selected via drop down or entered manually. With the button "Ádd" the period will be stored. Please only select one departure period.

With „OK" the settings will be saved and the dialogue closed.
