Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Calculate sales prices from purchase prices for single services in DaVinci

1. Introduction
2. Purchase prices in DaVinci
3. Calculation of the sales prices
3.1. Sales price currency
3.2. Rounding
3.3. Commission
3.4. Margin
3.5. Additional calculation parameter
3.6. Manual adjustment
3.7. Generation of the sales price chart


For the documentation of the functionality of sales price calculation from purchase prices the following booking code is used:

The purchase price table is "MLEANGAGA". On purchase side the hotel has six different room prices and one additional price for full board:

Example for purchase price of one room ("Superior Bungalow Doppel"):
In season "1" the "Superior Bungalow" costs 198, 00 USD per night. Additionally the tour operator purchases the night/child for 49,00 USD.

With a right mouse-click on the highest price chart the user gets a context menu.
Selecting menu item "Calculation" the calculation of the sales prices on base of the purchase price chart is started.

DaVinci opens a chart display (similar to Excel-spread-sheet) where all basic purchase prices (rows displayed in black colour) and all reductions and special offers (rows displayed in blue colour) are listed.
IMPORTANT: In current version of DaVinci the seasons stored on purchase side are automatically taken for the calculation of the sales prices. During the calculation process it is not possible to assign a different season structure for the sales chart.
Reductions/Special offersBasic price

Calculation of the sales prices
