Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


If you store a warning on catalog level, the warning will be valid for all services in this catalogue respectively for the whole catalogue.
Example: You want to block the catalogue externally for bookings with departure from 01.03.09 - 31.03.09
Click on the catalogue sign and double click on the right catalogue (e.g. Unique Travel 2009) or use the button "Edit".

The following dialog opens. If you want to create a warning, click on the button on the right side in the frame

Fill out the following dialog

Confirm with "Close". As soon as you have created a warning, it switches to "Yes" in the field.


If you store a warning on destination level, the warning will be valid for all services in this specific destination (where this destination code is assigned to the booking code).
Example: You want to block the destination externally for bookings with departure during 01.03.09 - 31.03.09
Go to menu "Configuration" / "System Settings" / "Basis data/Travels" / "Statistic codes" / "Destination"
Double click on a destination

The following dialog opens. If you want to create a warning, click on the button on the right side in the frame

Fill out the following dialog

Confirm with "Close". As soon as you have created a warning, it switches to "Yes" in the field.


Date from / Date tillvalidity period of the warning
Valid dateyou can select between the following criterias:
departure related the departure has to be in this certain validity period
stay related at least 1 day/night has to be in this certain validity period
departure and arrival in periodthe whole stay has to be in this certain validity period
Booking from / tillthe warning is only valid for this certain booking period. It can be entered additionally or independent from the travel date
Days before departurethe warning should only appear from a certain amount of days before departure
Min day / Max day if the warning should only be printed from a specific minimum stay (the booking can still be made - no regulation - just that the warning is only printed for bookings with the defined duration
Booking ability defines the booking ability - select from dropdown box
Bookable bookable in all systems
Blocked externally blocked in CETS and Internet
Blocked for new bookings onlychanges in old files are possible
Closed as individual service only bookable in a package
Closed as individual service for CETSonly bookable in a CETS package
CRS blocked blocked in CETS only
Fully blocked blocked in all systems
Min stay / Max stay defines the minimum number of nights (days) required for this booking code
General warningsyou can select a warning text by clicking into the field
To define a new warning text please see page 12 - 16
Individual warningyou can write an individual warning text into this field (don't forget; this is a multilingual field). This text cannot be printed on any documents

Requestdo not use
Day/Nightdefine if the days or nights in the defined period should be calculated
Printoutflag the documents where you want to print out the warning text
Employeeshows who has created the warning (will be filled automatically)
Show user codeif flagged, the user code will be shown additionally to the warning in Genesis
Text short 32 digit notice
No option from define the number of days before departure until option bookings are allowed (example insert 999 to generally restrict so no option bookings can be created)
Display inall booking systems are flagged automatically. If you remove one, the warning text won't be shown in this particular system
