Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


A warning message is used to notify clients, suppliers and/or the reservation department of an issue which they may need to be aware of prior to completing a booking.

A warning may be use to notify of, for example:
Construction work in or next to a hotel
Fuel surcharge information
Minimum stay of 3 nights
Charter flight is blocked for options during a certain period
Stay 14 nights, pay 12 nights
A warning can be added at the:
Booking Code level
Catalogue level
Destination level
Service Type level
Warnings can be displayed on the booking overview and the suppliers request if required.



All warnings will be entered in the P&P master data.



Create a New Warning

A new warning can be created from within a Booking Code, Catalogue, Destination or Service Type. In the following example a new warning will be created from within the Booking Code.
We have received an email from the Hotel Tamarind Cove informing us that a minimum stay of 3 nights is required for arrivals in the period 1st Dec 2010 to 10th Jan 2011. A new warning is needed to ensure agents are aware that there is a minimum stay requirement in this hotel.
Step-by-Step: Create a New Warning within a Booking Code


Once the warning text has been created it can be added to a booking code. The warning created in the previous example will be added to the Tamarind Cove booking code.
Step-by-Step: Add a Warning to a Booking Code
The Warning tab of the Tamarind Cove booking code should be open, if not, open the booking code and select the Warning tab.

  1. Enter 10.12.20102012 in the Date from field.

For minimum/maximum stay add an extra day in the Date till field. This will ensure the minimum stay is calculated for the last day of the period.



  1. Enter 11.01.20112013 in the Date till field.
  2. Select Departure related in the Valid date field.
