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Software Documentation
Absolute Mark-Up Calculation

Author: Dirk Baschleben

The information contained in this document is the proprietary and exclusive property of Bewotec GmbH except as otherwise indicated. No part of this document, in whole or in part, may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or used for design purposes without the prior written permission of Bewotec GmbH.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
The information in this document is provided for informational purposes only. Bewotec specifically disclaims all warranties, express or limited, including, but not limited, to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except as provided for in a separate software license agreement.

Privacy Information
This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. This information should not be given to persons other than those who are involved in the "DaVinci" project or who will become involved during the lifecycle of this project.

General remark
The final dialog design/layout of the screens may vary, but the described functionality shall be integrated.








Document Created

D. Baschleben



Document Updated

K. Freiß



Document Updated

K. Freiß

























Table of Content
1. Requirement
2. Functional Description
2.1 Bookingcode Set-Up
2.2 Mark-Up Set-Up
3. Agency Set-Up
4. Package options
5. Archive
6. Examples
6.1 Mark-up per bookingcode
6.2 Mark-up per bookingcode and participant type



This document describes the new concept of the absolute markup calculation for the dynamic production of services stored in DaVinci.
The mark-up is an absolute amount per night and pax according to the current yield management requirement.
Further mark-up dimensions are:


Functional Description

Bookingcode Set-Up


Grundlage: Basis of calculation Night, Day or Once.
Art: Kind of calculation; participant, unit or booking
Produktart: Product type for price rows
Steuer: VAT for price row
Gruppencode: Group text for documents
Kostenart: Cost type for accounting purposes

Klicking on green "+" copies an existing entry

All existing details depending on the current entry will be copied as well.
Klicking on red "X" deletes entries.

All existing details depending on the current entry will be deleted as well.
Level 2 Details

In the detail section the user can enter service date ranges and an absolute markup.
It is possible to have different mark-ups per day.
The filter agency can be used to steer different mark-ups per brands/markets if one agency number reflect this.

Level 3
Type of pax

In this section an existing date range can be modified by a mark-up per participant type.
Babies, Children and Adults are possible entries.
In this example a further reduction of -3 will be considered for children.

Type of Duration

In this section the user is able to define a mark-up for a specific duration.
In this example it will decrease the mark-up by 1 for each night within the defined date-range when 14 nights are requested. The duration does not necessarily need to cover 100% the defined date range.
Requested service date range: 15.09.-29.09.

The mark-up between 15.09. and 25.09. is 9 not 10 because in total 14 nights are booked


In this section an existing date range can be modified by a mark-up per requirement type (hotel, flight, ...).
In this example a further supplement of 2 will be considered for hotels and 7 for flights.


In this section an existing date range can be modified by a mark-up per destination.
In this example a further supplement of 4 will be considered for HRG.

Save changes and new entries:

New Mark-Up definitions will be stored with the <Save> icon or when leaving the frame with a message box and clicking on "Yes".
Changes will be considered after a GenVas Cache Update. If a single product was not used in booking process before that means the cache was empty for that specific product then it will work without a GenVas Cache Update because the cache will be filled with actual data in this case.

PLEASE NOTE that all defined and matching mark-up rules will fire in addition. The system won't only consider the highest level and stop matching.

Agency Set-Up

The user can exclude an agency from mark-up calculation when activating checkbox "Kein Markup berechnen"

Package options

The flag "Verkaufspreise und Markup vom Buchungscode ignorieren" can be set to ignore all sales price cahrts and mark-ups for the specific booking code.


The system archives all markup entries after checking out and storing the definitions under a unique consecutive number (1,2,3 ...). The current version is version 0.
The files additionally contain the timestamp plus the user of the change.
For technical analysis the user can



Mark-up per bookingcode
