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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


If clients send E-Mails out of DaVinci via E-Mail templates, there is no title for the client in the E-Mail object available.
Betreff: Buchungsnummer : 278420 Kunde: Klinger
Sehr geehrter Herr Klinger!
Vielen Dank für Ihre Buchung! In der Anlage erhalten Sie... Sie…

The salutation is now available as variable <BO_CLIENTSALUTATION> which differs between "Sehr geehrter Herr" und "Sehr geehrte Frau".
But in the object of the E-Mail only Herr or Frau is needed. So there needs to be a variable like <BO_CLIENTSALUTATION_2> developed for this.
Additionally a client title is needed, which makes it possible to add the academic title of a client. This could be: <BO_CLIENTTITLE>
This information should be taken from the client data:

So if the development is done, it should look like this:
Betreff: Buchungsnummer : 278420 Kunde: Herr Dipl.Ing. Klinger


1. There is an additional column with „Payable Amount" in this dialogue!
Like in the "Statistik"/ Tab Total dialogue:

The "Payable Amount": calculation should follow the same logic like "payable amount" in statistic in tab TOTAL!!!
So it contains the same values like the sums, see 2.

There are new columns in this dialogue:
Payable Amount BSP + Payable Amount DaVinci

The calculation of these amounts should follow the same logic like "payable amount" in Statistic/ Tab total.

If there is any difference between the "payable amounts" (new columns from 1 and 2) in BSP and DaVinci there should come up an error!
The difference which is shown in the error list in column "difference" is the difference between "Payable Amount BSP" and "Payable Amount DaVinci".

If there are also any differences in other fields (fare, tax, commission...commission…) there should also come up errors in the error list. So there is no need to change.
So it can be that there is no difference between the two sum amounts, but i.e. a difference on fare and com. For these there will be an error listed, but difference will be at 0.
