Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


1. Idea
2. Tracked data
3. Configuration DaVinci
3.1. User rights
3.2. Enable tracking data
4. Display tracked data in DaVinci
4.1. Display all changes
4.2. Display specific unit
4.2.1. Affected tabs
4.2.2. Tracking data display
4.3. Tracking data types


All changes according specific (mentioned below) basic or 'master' data can automatically be tracked and displayed within DaVinci from version 1040 upwards.
Before data is tracked functionality has to be activated; per default data logging is disabled.
For display data two entries are available: one for entire log and second one for specific context (unit).
Scope of tracking data is booking code, price and allotment (including relevant basic data).

Tracked data

Following structure shows data which is available for tracking mechanism.
Basic data
-> age profiles (System setting / Basic data Travels / Participants age profile)
-> code schemes (Travel / Basic Data / Code_Schemas)
-> codes (Travel / Basic Data / Code Chart)

Booking codes
-> booking code (Travel / services)
-> Booking Code
-> Options
-> Periods
-> Service Types
-> Packages
-> price rules (System settings / Conditions / Prices – Rules)
-> sales price tables (Travel / Selling Prices)
-> sub price tables
-> price lines
-> purchase price tables (Travel / Purchasing Prices)
-> sub price tables
-> price lines
-> last minute price tables (Travel / Last Minute Prices)
-> sub price tables
-> price lines
-> allotments (Travel / Allotments)
-> sub allotments
-> allotment dates (just basic data)

Configuration DaVinci

User rights

User rights under Menu Configuration / User Rights / Rights -> Menu Items / Main Menu / Configuration / Settings / Master data tracking for enabling tracking data.

Enable tracking data

Data tracking can be activated via Menu Configuration / Settings / Master data tracking (according to user rights).

Tracking should only be enabled and disabled on highest level; all lower levels (database tables and database columns) are automatically set.

After tracking for specific section is activated all changes (creation, updates, deletion) will be stored and are available with time stamp and user.

Display tracked data in DaVinci

Tracked data can be displayed via two different entries.
One entry for display all tracked changes and second entry for display data of one specific unit (booking code, service type, price, ....)

Display all changes

All tracked values (entire system) are available via Menu Configuration / Settings / Master data tracking changes (according to user rights).

According to selected data range (right) all tracked data come up.
First list is on record level followed by second list on column level (both for selected record).
Record list contains time stamp of change, user which acquired data and change type (New record, Changed record, Deleted record).
Column list contains field name (DaVinci), old value (before change) and New value (after change).
This expert view should only be relevant to search for deleted entries which will not appear any longer within regular selection trees (booking codes, prices, allotments ...).

Display specific unit

Dedicated tracked data is available on every affected tab via right mouse click / new menu entry 'Changes'.

Tracked data will only be displayed within new window, in case focus is set on affected tab; e.g. booking code: if focus in on first tab 'booking code' only fields of actual tab 'booking code' will come up in tracking data.

Affected tabs

Basic data
age profiles

code schemes



Allotment dates

Only basic data will be tracked !
Allotment counters like in block 'booked allotments' will not be tracked.

Tracking data display

Following sample shows tracked data code '?'.

After user focused on one field list on left side shows all changes (for field) which have been made since functionality has been activated with time stamp, user, old value (before change) and new value (after change); entries are ordered by time stamp.

Old and new values are displayed according to their data type.
Simple data types like alpha (texts), double, long and date (without drop down or tree selection) are shown by value.
In case of bits (flags) Yes/No (Ja/Nein) will come up.
Fields with drop down or tree selection are shown by translation and binary stored flags with list of flagged values separated by comma.

Tracking data types

Following screen shots show different data types within tracking display window.
Simple data types like alpha (texts), numeric (double, long) and date without drop down or tree selection:

Bit (flag) fields:

Drop down fields:

Binary stored flags: