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Software Documentation


Author: M. Schwanke

The information contained in this document is the proprietary and exclusive property of Bewotec GmbH except as otherwise indicated. No part of this document, in whole or in part, may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or used for design purposes without the prior written permission of Bewotec GmbH.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
The information in this document is provided for informational purposes only. Bewotec specifically disclaims all warranties, express or limited, including, but not limited, to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except as provided for in a separate software license agreement.

Privacy Information
This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. This information should not be given to persons other than those who are involved in the "DaVinci" project or who will become involved during the lifecycle of this project.

General remark
The final dialog design/layout of the screens may vary, but the described functionality shall be integrated.

1. Access to Task Management
1.1. Enable User for the Task management.
2. Task management (CheckIt) Overview
2.1. Basic data / Administration
2.2. Workplace
3. Create user roles
4. Definitioin of Tasks
4.1. Task templates
4.4.1. Create task template
4.4.2. Modify task template
4.2. Fulfillment plans
4.2.1. Create fulfillment plan
4.2.2. Modify fulfillment plans
4.3. Assign task template to DaVinci booking code
4.3.1. Tasks overview for all services inside a package
4.3.2. Setup task dependencies
4.3.3. Setup dependencies to package tasks
4.3.4. Modify assigned tasks
4.3.5. Create task shell without task template
4.4. Assign fulfillment plan to DaVinci booking code
5. Workplace
5.1. Workplace batch mode
5.2. Manual task creation for a booking
5.3. Booking independent tasks


Access to Task Management

Enable User for the Task management.


Task management (CheckIt) Overview

This chapter describes the existing views in the task management system. It shall give an overview over the functionality which will be explained in detail in the next chapters.
The basic data / Administration and the workplace of the task management can be reached with the menu entry "Task Management" ("Aufgabenverwaltung")


Create user roles

A user role is needed to create tasks. It is mandatory to have a user role when setting up a task.

To create a new user role the plus button at the left bottom has to be clicked.

It is mandatory to set up a name of the user role. Additional it is possible to enter a description.
The entered user roles are saved with clicking the "save" ("Speichern") button"
A user role can be deleted by clicking the dustbin symbol at the end of the user role line which should be deleted.

Definitioin of Tasks

Task templates
