Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


In Menu: Settings > Settings, Section: CRS > Various

NOTE: If this flag is activated Genesis will only allow to import ONE PNR/Filekey into ONE service. This is necessary to guarantee a definite identification for the ticket that will be imported afterwards. Depending on the unique File-Key the ticket will identify the booking/service to which it has to be imported. This requires the existence of only ONE PNR/Filekey in ONE service.If the setting is not activated, Genesis has no restriction for the number of imported PNRs into a service – it will work the usual way as it always did.

  1. Create folders for the Error-List & History-List.


  • "File Error List": declare a path here.  Tickets that caused errors during automatic import will be moved into the specified folder
  • "File History": declare path here  Tickets that have been correctly imported will be moved into the specified folder
  • "Ticket prices": setting to control the price-handling during automatic import
    • "No ticket prices as sales prices": this will cause the import to not import any prices from the ticket into the according service
    • "Ticket price will overwrite sales prices": this will cause the import to overwrite existing sales-prices of the according service
    • "Ticket price will be added to sales prices": this will cause the import to add ticket-prices to existing sales-prices of the service

NOTE:As soon as a path is declared for the Error-List and/or the History-List the view of the already existing PNR-List (Menu: Bookings > PNR-List) will change.

Three Radio-Buttons are appearing now.
