Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3



In case of the unit-related rules the calculation of prices strongly requires an exact and logic set-up and corresponcence of the TYPES of PRICES and the TYPES of PRICERULES:
The price the rule is related to should be based on UNIT
The price coming out of the rule should also be calculated on UNIT-base


Both rules are assigned to the same default-pricegroup „test"

During assignment of the pricerules the default-group is automatically filled:
No level defined
GenVAS now tries to get the best price inside of the group "Test" of pricerules, and that's the time-related reduction:


This particular price-rule-calculation-type is still not completely clear in its functionality

Participant / time unit
Quantity / time unit
Booking / time unit