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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Within DaVinci it is possible to store text in different languages. One part is the translated price text.

The source of this text is behind the price type

The text reacts on the language which is linked to an address.

Flag in the Basic Data Settings is on -> Price text reacting on the setting in the agency

Flag is off -> System use the default

Business Case:
General decision to work with or without multilingual travel documents in dependency of the customers language
(Hyperlink zum Einstellen, ob die Sprache aus Agentur oder Kunde gezogen wird)

Line 3


In this setting it could be defined what are working days for an option. Example: If the option date is on a Sunday, scheduler waits till Monday to change the state of the booking.

 (link where to define bank holidays Travel-Basic data)

Line 18 Other free service is automatically IIT


If the flag is set, the system takes the price for the hotel which is part of the package regarding the in the package given dates. The additional service is outside the package range and receives the price from the single booking code.

240,- €

340,- €

If the flag in 23 is off, the extension is calculated with the price from the package.

titleImportant to know


If line 26 is flagged, the described construct do not work.


The system merges both rows and uses the package price.

Line 24 Number of days before departure when offer still possible
