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Release Notes 1049
1 DaVinci
1.1 General
1.1.1 Ergonomics
1.1.2 Deletion of menu entries
1.1.3 Password check
1.1.4 Check logic of the credit card numbers
1.1.5 Set brands into bookingcodes
1.1.6 Creation of Unicode application extension and Unicode Database for the storage of Unicode texts
1.2 Flight
1.2.1 Change the field duration of the VT-season table
1.3 Interfaces
1.3.1 Tariff Export
1.4 TOMA
1.4.1 User can book a booking code which doesn't exist
1.4.2 Print of seatreservation and client preference on TOMA confirmation RB/RE (SA 53+58)
1.5 Genvas
1.5.1 Load Balancer
1.6 Hitchhiker
1.6.1 Amendments on Transport Search: Prices in Transport Search






Price Wizard
The price Wizard, which can be called from booking code properties or the price menu, has been optimized in a way that the price matrix will be used for all steps form sub price level on.
The user will be though the led through the following Wizard steps:

  1. Selection of an existing catalogue group

  1. Price header properties

  1. Price matrix for entering sub price charts, price codes, prices and surcharges

Allotment Wizard
The allotment Wizard, which can be called from booking code/service type properties or the allotment menu, has been optimized as well.
The user will be though the led through the following Wizard steps:

  1. Selection of an existing catalogue group

  1. Allotment header properties

The settings on tab ‚additional data' will be set according to the requirement type in case the user navigated from booking code. Please also see available defaults in system settings.

  1. Creation of allotmentet dates

The date creation dialog will stay open in case of any error.

Booking code Wizard
The booking code Wizard has been deleted.
Booking list dialog
It is possible now to automatically send the list to each pax list recipient or certain email addresses and copies.

Copy allotments
It is possible now to copy

  1. complete allotments or
  2. complete sub allotments

via context menu in allotment or booking code window.

The allotment counters after copy are similar to the original.


Deletion of menu entries


The menu entries "GDS-Anbindung" and "Flugstrecken" have completely been deleted.

Previous version 1049


Password check


  1. As a DaVinci system administrator, I want to be sure that user passwords satisfy security requirements. Specifically:
    1. When a user changes his or her password, I want the system to reject the new password if it is the same as any of the last "n" passwords that this user chose (the value of "n" has to be at least 3);
    2. When a user changes his or her password, I want the system to reject the new password if it does not match defined format restrictions (the format restrictions specify a minimum password length and a minimum number of characters that are not in the range A-Z, a-z, 0-9).

The following Windows-Login configuration policies should be implemented:

  1. The number of previous passwords to be checked (default is 0 - disabled)
  2. Minimum password length (default is 0 - disabled).
  3. Minimum number of characters that are not in the range A-Z, a-z, 0-9 (default is 0 - disabled).
  4. Minimum password age (default is 0 - disabled).

All DaVinci- logins need to be considered.
Definitions have to be considered per DaVinci instance (not per user).


Check logic of the credit card numbers


It is possible do define number circles for different credit card types.
There is a new parameter in dialog "card typ": check logic: here you can select the logic for check of the credit card type.
There is a new tab called: Number circles in dialog Client card.
Both you can find in system settings/client/ client cards


Set brands into bookingcodes

Highlight a folder -> right mouse click and selection of marks

In this dialog it is possible to assign specific brands to bookingcodes underneath the selected folder

This is a quick and efficient way to link brands to bookingcodes


Creation of Unicode application extension and Unicode Database for the storage of Unicode texts

It is now possible to store a Unicode description for non-Latin figures, for Print outputs (pending report definitions) in the Textbausteine and multilingual fields. Storage of a unicode text is only possible for languages that are identified, in the language definition, as unicode enabled.



Change the field duration of the VT-season table

In the VT-season table, button „Create dates", the field „Duration" should be changed in „Duration from/Duration to". So it should be possible to create several entries for a duration range in one step.
Former situation:
It was possible to insert only one duration length

In the table of the traffic days it is now possible to enter a from - to in the way that the durations will be entered with a hyphen. More of one entry could be done comma separated.
Example: "1-5,6,8,10,15-17,20-24"



Tariff Export

A tariff export is available as a new interface. This export creates a tariff sheet for e.g. Rack rates for other tour operator. For further information please contact our sales department.



User can book a booking code which doesn't exist

It is not possible anymore to write the cabin number or the bus seats in front of the service code.
It is only possible to put it behind the service code. E.g. Schiff/4040, Busxyz/25
The train functionality remains unchanged.
This development was necessary because user could book a booking code which didn't exist.
First service "HM MEINS2"

Booking code doesn't exist in database

Just booking code for cruise "MEINS2" exists

A booking in Genesis like this is possible too:

If user wants to book the booking code in other combination or without space then it isn't possible:


Print of seatreservation and client preference on TOMA confirmation RB/RE (SA 53+58)

  1. Print of client preferences and requests for type 53 and 58. In the settings under CRS/TOMA/Print Parameter/Text modules is a new field for client preferences, where to link a text module. This text module will be printed, if a customer request with the active flag preference is part of the booking.
  2. Print of seat reservation number for TOMA confirmation type 53 and 58. In the settings under CRS/TOMA/Print Parameter/Text modules is a new dropdown field "Text for seat reservation". Is in the booking minimum one seat reservation the text will be printed.



Load Balancer

The load balancer substitutes the Genvas Gate. The load balancer is a piece of hardware with a special configuration from Bewotec. This tool distributes the different requests to the different Genvas, if user work with more than one Genvas or if user has the Genvas Gate in use, please contact our sales department for further information.



Amendments on Transport Search: Prices in Transport Search

Hitchhiker GUI changes in transportlist:
The changes are only relevant for Hitchhiker flights.

Change 1

There are two new fields: Children (Kinder) and Babies (Babies)
The existing field participant (Teilnehmer) has been renamed in adults (Erwachsene).
The two new fields should only be visible when the flag "request External flights" is set.
The field Adults has been renamed to Passenger when the flag is unselected.
Change 2

The price per passenger type will be displayed in a tooltip over the field price.
Change 3

There is a new field in the result list called Fare.

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