Codeschema - Standard Mealplan

05/2006 JK

Codeschema behaviour

In Codeschema the user can define, how GenVas have to react by booking several codes depending on a service.
With this functionality, the user can define which codes could be booked, for example no codes without prices or without service types.
If a default code schema for the booked requirement is set, then the code will be checked before booking.
Action "BA":

Check Code Schema:

The Code "ABC" have a service type and a price (Setting "Mandatory" = OK)
The Code "AI" have a service type (Setting "Option, Obligatory + allotment required" = OK)
Because of this setup the booking would be accepted.
Depending on settings in code schema a booking will be blocked or not. If blocked, a depending error will be shown:

This error message tells the user exactly on which positions of code the code schema is blocking the whole booking.

Codeschema Setup

The user find the codeschema in "Travel / Basic Data / Code Schema":

Following screen will opened:


  1. Code Schema Tree

Here the user can see and choose all setuped code schemas of the selected katalogue

  1. New / Edit / Delete

With this buttons the user can create, change or delete a code schema


  1. Name

Here the user can set a Name for the Codeschema

  1. Default for

If a service type is flagged in this list, then the codeschema is set as default for all booking codes with this service type.

  1. Position from

Start position in code where the "State" should be compared with the booked code in Genesis. Note that only the positions, which are setuped in Codeschema, will be compared.

  1. Position till

End position in code, where the "State" should be compared with the booked code in Genesis. Note that only the positions, which are setuped in Codeschema, will be compared.

  1. Code type

Depending code type

  1. State

The user can choice between different compare functionalitys:
On this positions it could be booked every code. But not empty entrys.
Option, Obligatory + allotment required:
On this positions the user have not to enter/book a code, but if a code will be booked, then this code had to have a service type. Standart mealplans excepted!
On this positions, it could be booked only empty entrys, but no code.
Mandatory + Allotment inquiry:
On this positions there have to be booked an existing code, which includes a service type.
Mandatory + Price inquiry:
On this positions there have to be booked an existing code, which includes a price.
Mandatory + Complete inquiry:
On this positions there have to be booked an existing code, which includes a service type and a price.
Option: On this positions the user can book every code or empty entrys.

  1. Description

Here the user can enter a short description to the schema settings

Examples behaviour booking codes

Positions 5-6 will be compared and have the following settings:

Booking "Mandatory"

Case 1: Booking no code:

The user is not able to book, because of it is mandatory to enter something in position 5-6
Case 2: Booking "XX":

The user is able to book, because its not required to have a service type or price

Booking "Option, Obligatory + allotment required"

Case 1: Booking a code "AI" which has a service type:

The user is able to book, because of the service type!
Case 2: Booking no code:

The user is able to book, because of the setting "Option, Obligatory + allotment required" in Codeschema. Its obligatory to enter a code on Position 5-6
Case 3: Booking a code with NO service type:

The user is not able to book because of there is no service type depending on code "XX"

Booking "Empty"

Case 1: Booking a code:

The user is not able to book, because of the mandatory for this field is "empty"
Case 2: Booking no code:

The user is able to book, because of no code in position 5-6

Booking "Mandatory + Allotment inquiry"

Case 1: Booking a code "AI" which has a service type:

The user is able to book, because of the service type!
Case 2: Booking no code:

The user is not able to book because it is required to book a code with service type.
Case 3: Booking a code with NO service type:

The user is not able to book because of there is no service type depending on code "XX"

Booking "Mandatory + Price inquiry"

Case 1: Booking a code with allotment but without price:

The user is not able to book, because of no price
Case 2: Booking a code with price:

The user is able to book, because of a depending price
Case 3: Booking a code with price but without service types:

The user is able to book, because of a depending price

Case 4: Booking no code:

The user is not able to book, because of a code with price is required

Booking "Mandatory + Complete inquiry"

Case 1: Booking a code with service type and price:

The user is able to book, because of service type and price
Case 2: Booking a code without price:

The user is not able to book this, because of no price
Case 3: Booking a code without service type:

The user is not able to book, because of no service type

Booking "Option"

Case 1: Booking a code "AI" which has a service type:

The user is able to book everything
Case 2: Booking no code:

The user is able to book everything
Case 3: Booking a code with NO service type:

The user is able to book everything

Mealplan behaviour

Mealplan Setup

Setup a standart mealplan in DaVinci, means that a mealplan code will be booked in background of Genesis, if no other mealplan with same code positions is booked.
This standart mealplans will be although shown at several reports.

If a booking code, where a standart, saison or service oriented mealplan is setuped, will be booked, GenVas will take this mealplan and fill the fields "Rech_Konti_Info", "Code_Verpflegung" and "Code_Verpflegung_Name" in database with the informations of this boarding code.
Booking a booking code with standart melaplan:

Depending booking code:

This Information depending on a field in code:

In DaVinci the user can define mealplan codes in several levels.
The different mealplan setup possibilitys have following prioritys:

  1. Service related mealplan
  2. Saison related mealplan
  3. standart mealplan

Standard mealplan


  1. Meal Plan

The user can define a standart mealplan in booking code. This mealplan will always be booked in background of Genesis, if no other Mealplan will be booked instead of this code.

Saison depending mealplan


  1. Boarding

Define the code of the mealplan

  1. From – To

Define the period when the mealplan code should be taken

  1. Take boarding to Genesis over

If the flag is not set, the actual mealplan code will be booked in Background of Genesis.
If the flag is set, Genesis take the code and book them within the code of depending service.

Service depending mealplan


  1. Boarding

Define the code of the mealplan

  1. From – To

Define the period when the mealplan code should be taken

  1. Take over boarding to Genesis

If the flag is not set, the actual mealplan code will be booked in Background of Genesis.
If the flag is set, Genesis take the code and book them within the code of depending service.

Booking the different kind of standart mealplans

Normaly a Standart mealplan have no service type. Because of this, it could happen that, if the codeschema requires a service type, the standart mealplan could not be booked.
In this case the user can setup the Codeschema "Code type", on the positions of standart mealplan, to "Boarding". Now GenVas simulates a service type for the actual standart mealplan code and the user can book this correctly.
The same functionality is supported without code schema, too.

Booking a standart mealplan

Setup the standart mealplan: (This standart mealplan have no service type)

Case 1: Booking the Mealplan without code:

The fields "Rech_Konti_Info", "Code_Verpflegung" and "Code_Verpflegung_Name" will be filled with the standart mealplan code:

Case 2: Booking the Mealplan with code "BB":

The fields "Rech_Konti_Info", "Code_Verpflegung" and "Code_Verpflegung_Name" will be filled with the standart mealplan code:

Booking a saison oriented mealplan

Setup the saison oriented mealplan:

Case 1: Booking the Mealplan without code:

The fields "Rech_Konti_Info", "Code_Verpflegung" and "Code_Verpflegung_Name" will be filled with the saison oriented mealplan code:

Case 2: Booking the Mealplan with code "DA":

The fields "Rech_Konti_Info", "Code_Verpflegung" and "Code_Verpflegung_Name" will be filled with the saison oriented mealplan code:

Case 3: Try to book the standart Mealplan with code "BB":

Booking a service oriented mealplan

Setup the service oriented mealplan:

Case 1: Booking the Mealplan without code:

The fields "Rech_Konti_Info", "Code_Verpflegung" and "Code_Verpflegung_Name" will be filled with the service oriented mealplan code:

Case 2: Booking the Mealplan with code "AG":

The fields "Rech_Konti_Info", "Code_Verpflegung" and "Code_Verpflegung_Name" will be filled with the service oriented mealplan code:

Case 3: Try to book the standart Mealplan with code "BB":