Server Infotexts

Server Info texts


1 Introduction
2 Settings
3 Example


1 Introduction

The server info texts can be stored to show specific information in the booking mask.



The dialogue to store new server info texts is opened via Travel/Basic Data/ Server Infotexts.
Own Notes:

The Server Info texts dialogue is opened:

1: Service Description
Details for all services can be stored
2: Flight Schedule
Flight information can be stored
3: Seat Arrangement/Transfer
Seat and Transfer information can be stored
4: Statistic
Statistic codes can be stored.
5: Booking Info
Prices and due dates can be stored.

When these information are stored and a booking which has these fields filled is displayed,
then the information will be shown in the booking mask in the info block.



Flight Schedule:
Now in the booking mask will be shown the airline, the from and to date and the flight number if it is set in KuDos basic data and if in the booking is a flight.
Display Booking with a flight: