

Software Documentation
Functional Description

BSP Reconciliation"

Created by:
Christine Dollmann
Bewotec GmbH







Document Created

C. Dollmann



Update Document

C. Dollmann

















































1. Import BSP File
1.1. Reconcile
1.2. Change error
2. Work through the error list
2.1. Standard Ticket
2.2. Refund / ADM / ACM

Import BSP File

The .agt file can be loaded for reconciliation via Configuration – Import/Export – Import BSP Data…

Here, a new file can be selected in the dialogue which is opened via the "Import data" button.

In the dialogue, the following parameters need to be entered to load the file and start first reconciliation run against the table including the tickets in DaVinci:

After entering the required information and selection of the BSP file path the data can be imported.
Please make sure that the correct regional selection is made, here Scandinavia.
During the import, the BSP data from the file is now compared with the ticket information stored in DaVinci. This comparison is defined as reconciliation.


In case that changes need to be made in DaVinci ticket information due to differences in the BSP file, an update of the compared information can be done with the "Reconcile" button.

With click on „Reconcile", the period for BSP reconciliation (column BEST_MONAT_BSP) is set on those tickets, where ticket issue date matches the period.
If a ticket is available in BSP and DaVinci ticket information, the "Compared" checkbox (column AUSGEGLICHEN) is set to 1 after "Reconcile".

Change error

The "Change error" button opens the dialogue of the BSP error list.

Within this feature Bewotec compares the invoice information of BSP with the entered ticket information in DaVinci.

The following errors are possible within the BSP error list:

Error Message


Ticket not found

Ticket cannot be found in DaVinci

Fare unequal

Fare of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Tax unequal

Tax of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Commission unequal

Commission of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Amount of conjunctions unequal

Amount of conjunctions of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Currency unequal

Currency of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Cash unequal

Cash amount of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Credit unequal

Credit amount of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Tax on Commission unequal

Tax on commission of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match

Airline does not match

Airline of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket information does not match less than sales tax (variance)

Ticket type unknown

Ticket type of BSP invoice unknown

Ticket type might be different (Booking xxx)

Ticket type of BSP invoice and DaVinci ticket different, booking number will be mentioned.

Wrong reconciliation period

Ticket issuing date does not match with the reconciliation period.

Once all errors have either been corrected or accepted, the BSP error list can be closed.

Work through the error list

Standard Ticket

This error message comes up, if the ticket has been invoice by BSP, but cannot found in DaVinci.

In this case you need to find out to which booking the ticket belongs and enter it to the corresponding booking.
The ticket information can be entered manually from the Genesis mask. Display the respective booking file – Menu – Get booking

Klick on „Tickets" to open the ticket mask

All tickets of the booking file are displayed here.

A new ticket can be entered via „New" – or in case that similar tickets are available – as a "Copy".
Within this mask you need to enter all the ticket details.

In a next step, the comparison between BSP file and ticket information from DaVinci can be repeated by "Reconcile".

After the reconciliation has been done, the amount of errors is reduced.

As you can see from the BSP error list the error message disappears, as the ticket can be found and is assigned to a booking number.
In this case, the tickets information from DaVinci is matching completely with the BSP file data. So the ticket can only be found on the error list when "Error tickets only" is de-activated.

Remark: In case that a ticket/booking is found, it is possible to access the booking file from here, e.g. for correction of fare, tax, etc., by right click – Open booking

Refund / ADM / ACM

The error message "ticket not found" does also appear for ticket types which need to be manually entered in DaVinci. These document types can only be entered in relation to tickets which are already available as DaVinci ticket information.
For those ticket types, it is possible to access the dialogue for manual entry via button "Properties"
After correction of the difference, the respective information can be saved.

The entry can be taken from the error list with „Update" button.

For booking related ADMs, ACMs a specific dialogue can be used as described below. This one is quite helpful if the ADM and ACM is split over different tickets and bookings.

Workaround possibility non booking related ADMs, ACMs and MCOs
Entry of a dummy booking per BSP period which will be maintained manually and to which the ticket details will be manually added.