Wijzigingen Europeesche Verzekeringen

Wijzigingen Europeesche Verzekeringen

Wijzigingen voor de Europeesche Verzekeringen.

Hieronder vindt u het, in het Engels, uitgewerkte document naar aanleiding van de aanpassingen die gedaan moesten worden voor de Europeesche Verzekeringen:

1. The name "Garantie-Annulering" will be gone. The new name will be "Allrisk Annulering" and the premie for this changes from 6% to 7% (the regular Annuleringsverz. remains 5,5%!!)

2. The pulldown for A, B, or C which you cannot select in the EVM service should be active again (like we now also have for the ELV insurance compagny). A, B, and C can remain. There will be new tarifs for these groups. I will come back to that later in this doc.

3. In the pulldown for Nederland, Europa and Wereld only Europa en Wereld should remain. Nederland can be deleted.

4. For 'Rechtsbijstand incl.' there is no Summe Steuer calculated, this should be calculated for 21%


For the option "Hulp/Huur vervoermiddel we now already calculate Summe Steuer. This is ok, but the wrong percentage is taken. It should be 21%.

6. There should become one more selection entry with 'Bagage incl.' or 'Bagage excl.' (default on excl.). I prefer above the entry for "excl. Winter-/bijz. sporten"

7. There should become also an extra selection for 'Sportuitrusting incl.' or 'Sportuitrusting excl.'(default on excl.). My idea would be above the entry for 'Topdekking excl.'

8. New premies. The pulldown should be activated (see point 2) so the clients can select A, B or C.

A = Basis
B = Comfort
C = Optimaal
After this selection they should choose between Europa and World. The basic premies are like these:

(Personenhulp is basic premie)
Because of the selection for A, B and C I guess everything will change:
So (I will take the order in Jack):
Basic premie:
Basis Europa = € 0,92
Basis World = € 1,62
Comfort Europa = € 1,02
Comfort World = € 1,77
Optimaal Europa = € 1,12
Optimaal World = € 1,97
Inclusief Bagage (see also point 6):
Basis Europa = € 0,20
Basis World = € 0,35
Comfort Europa = € 0,25
Comfort World = € 0,40
Optimaal Europa = € 0,30
Optimaal World = € 0,45
9. Inclusief geneeskundige kosten

in Jack it's default with geneeskundige kosten and this entry is shown above the A, B, C selection. Maybe we can change that entry also to below the A, B and C selection and make it default excl.?
Basis Europa = € 0,45
Basis World = € 0,70
Comfort Europa = € 0,50
Comfort World = € 0,75
Optimaal Europa = € 0,55
Optimaal World = € 0,80
Inclusief winter-/bijzondere sporten
Basis Europa = € 1,00
Basis World = € 1,00
Comfort Europa = € 1,00
Comfort World = € 1,00
Optimaal Europa = € 1,00
Optimaal World = € 1,00
Inclusief ongevallen
Basis Europa = € 0,10
Basis World = € 0,10
Comfort Europa = € 0,15
Comfort World = € 0,15
Optimaal Europa = € 0,15
Optimaal World = € 0,15
Inclusief geld
Basis Europa = € 0,50
Basis World = € 0,50
Comfort Europa = € 0,50
Comfort World = € 0,50
Optimaal Europa = € 0,50
Optimaal World = € 0,50
Inclusief rechtsbijstand
Basis Europa = € 0,15
Basis World = € 0,15
Comfort Europa = € 0,15
Comfort World = € 0,15
Optimaal Europa = € 0,15
Optimaal World = € 0,15
Inclusief Hulp/Huur vervoermiddel
Basis Europa = € 17,50
Basis World = € 17,50
Comfort Europa = € 17,50
Comfort World = € 17,50
Optimaal Europa = € 17,50
Optimaal World = € 17,50
Inclusief extra sportuitrusting (see also point 7)
Basis Europa = € 0,65
Basis World = € 0,65
Comfort Europa = € 0,65
Comfort World = € 0,65
Optimaal Europa = € 0,65
Optimaal World = € 0,65

10. Obligated* *fields

You see in the column above that there are some fields shown in blue. When clients in Jack selected the C option, these entries are obligated. It only concerns the C (Optimaal) option!!
So, when C is selected the premie of Europe is based on:
Basic € 1,12
Bagage € 0,30
Geneeskundige kosten € 0,55
Geld € 0,50
Rechtsbijstand € 0,15
So this premie is at least€ 2,62
And for World it is:
Basic € 1,97
Bagage € 0,45
Geneeskundige kosten € 0,80
Geld € 0,50
Rechtsbijstand € 0,15
So this premie is at least€ 3,87
The other fields are still optional, but these fields mentioned above must directly be selected by Jack and the client should not be able to deselect them!