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Agency Hierarchy


1 System settings
2 Provision types
2.1 Agency belonging
2.2 Graded provision
2.3 Provision allocation
2.4 Kick back
3 Chain belonging
4 Chain tree
5 Contracts
5.1 Contract head
5.2 Contract type
5.3 Contract level
5.4 Contract entry
6 Calculate provision on a booking

System settings

In system settings /DaVinci/Booking Server/Commissions/ needs to be selected the two fields.

Choose "Display of contract" as Commission model for using agency hierarchy. Then you have to decide if you want to calculate the provision during booking action or during invoicing.
In the menu Travel/Basic Data/ Contract hierarchy can be stored the priority of the different contract types. This is very important for the search of the valid contract type, if there is more than one.

Provision types

There are three different provision types:

  1. The base provision which is calculated on the amount of turnover
  2. The promotion provision which is calculated on sale of a special trip.
  3. The growth provision, which is calculated on base of the last year amount plus one %.

The commission calculation can be done with two different methods:

  • Per booking (base provision and promotion provisions)
  • Over all booking of a time period (growth provision+)+

If calculated provisions are relevant for calculating of comprehensive provisions this will be marked.

Agency belonging

  • It should be possible to store the belonging of an agency to a chain.
  • There should be validity for the belonging of agencies.
  • Recurrences are not valid.

Graded provision

The provision scale is part of an agency contract.
The provision contracts (scale) have:

  • a validity date (from date)
  • different types which have different validities
  • different provision scales
  • in one scale on provision per product type

Provision allocation

The provision is per price line and depending on the product type. It starts with the search for a valid contract. The search criteria's are in the contract hierarchy. After finding the contract the provision percentage is taken, per product type, and will be calculated and stored in the booking. This provision can be printed on booking relevant documents.

Kick back

There is a contract type „Kick back", this one calculates over several bookings. It will compare the paid provision with the kick back and will be balanced with a non touristic booking.
The workflow is:

  • Check the received levels of the scale
  • Calculate the due differences in the to pay provisions
  • And save the actual valid level to an agency

Chain belonging

In the properties of the agency address can be defined the belonging to a parent agency. These belongings of agency addresses are limited. All belongings are stored for reporting.
This hierarchy allows the storing of provision contracts on a central place where the contract is valid for several agencies.
That means e.g. that for 150 agencies of a chain it is possible to store only one contract instead of 150 single contracts. It is even possible to store for some agencies special contracts so that they have a different contract than the agency chain.
That means a contract will be searched „bottom-up"and the first valid one will be used.
TUI Leisure Group

Sunshine travel agency


cologne-news sales agency Bonn

cologne-news sales agency Solingen
On all levels can be stored a contract, the contract will be searched bottom up until a contract will be found.
In all agencies there can be stored a parent agency. There are different types of belonging and different time tables so that the storing of the data are in a grid.

Type of agency The entry in the field type of agency is for orientation in the hierarchy tree of assignments. Is the value chain header, then this agency is the first one in the tree. When chain header or free agency is selected, then there can't be a parent assigned agency. Only when chain agency is selected, then there is the possibility to select another agency in the grid.
No sales office This agency makes no own bookings. She has only the function to store provision conditions.
From / to If there is only one value the to date can be left empty. If there should be an new entry then the to date from the first line must be filled an the date should have the value from the from date of the new line -1
Assignment This assignment has three values, "Provision", "Statistic" and "Authorization". These values are hardcoded. That means that the agency relationships don't differ for reporting's and provisions. That means that for reporting for different sales area or travel agencies the agency hierarchy can be used. The system differs between these two types. The entry "Authorization" means that the sub agency has the same rights as the chain head. It is just used for this.

Chain tree

View of the chain belonging:
Area 1In this area you can enter filter criteria for the display of agencies and their contracts.
Date Depending on the date the hierarchy can change, because for different dates there can be entered different assignments. This date is compared with the valid dates. The default is the current day.
Type There are three types, provision, statistic and authorization. This setting defines on which hierarchy the tree will be build. The default is provision.
Chain In this combo box are listed all agencies, which have the state chain header. After selecting one of these, only the tree of this agency will be shown. If it is empty all are shown.
Validity In this two date fields can be entered a valid period. Contracts have an own validity, so only these where the date matches will be shown in area 3.
Apply This button overtake all changes and refresh the view with the new settings.
Area 2 This area shows all assigned agencies, every point is an own address. The agency on the highest level is the chain header. Additionally there is created a entry single agencies on highest level in the tree. This one is done by the system. Within this entry there will be shown all free agencies, so all agencies which are not assigned to a chain header.
The following actions are possible:
Open agency opens the address of the agency
Search agency opens the address search for selecting one agency. After selecting one, the tree of the agency is shown.
Create contract opens the contract tree. There can be stored a new contract.
Area 3 The area (3) includes all contracts of the marked agency and all above assigned agencies. The overview in the list is supported by a filter, which doesn't show contracts, whose validity date is off the validity defined in area 1.
With a double click on a marked contract, the contract tree will open and the contract can be modified.


A contract has different constituent parts:
Contract head contract head with contract number. A contract can have different types.
Types Head of a specific contract type. A type can have several levels.
Levels Levels of a specific contract type, which can have several entries.
Entries This entry defines the provision. There can be several entries for one level.
This leads into the following schema:

Contract head
















All contracts must have a contract head. All other integral parts of the contracts are optional and are created via the object menu. So there are the following functions on the different levels:
Contract head New Type Add a new contract type under the head
Types New Level add a new level under the active type
Delete delete the actual type with all data below. This action is only possible, if the type hasn't been used yet.
Levels New entries add a new entry below the active level.
Delete delete the actual level with all data below. This action can only be executed when the level hasn't been used yet.
Entries Delete deletes the actual entry. This is only possible if the entry hasn't been sued yet.

Contract head

Contract no.Text field has to be filled. There is an automatic numbering.
DescriptionText field, must be filled
Valid from date field, must be filled and must be smaller or equal valid to
Valid to date field, must be filled and must be bigger or equal valid from
Date of entry date field, will be automatically filled and is not editable
Entered through will be filled automatically with the creation employee
Last changedate field, will be filled automatically
Changed through will be filled with the changing employee automatically by the system
Contact name text field, optional
Contact phone text field, optional
Contact emailtext field, optional

Contract type

Contract type Select a stored contract type.
Contract partText field, must be filled.
Kick-back invoicingCombo box, where the calculation type of the kickback can be selected.
None no kickback use
Turnover per agency the provisions / turnovers will only be used for the agency where the contract Is stored. There will not be considered any provisions/turnovers from sub agencies. The kickback will be only for the agency where the contract is stored.
All turnovers for header agency the provisions/turnovers will be used for the agency where the contract is stored. The provisions/ turnovers from sub agencies will be considered. The agency where the contract is stored gets the kickback.
All turnovers for header agency the provisions/turnovers will be used for all sub agencies, no matter where the contract
(Without own turnovers) is stored. That means it will work like every sub agency has stored the contract and then all provisions/kickback are calculated per agency and stored for each agency. Every agency gets kick back.
Valid from valid from, optional
Valid to valid to, can be filled.
Travel date fromtravel date from, optional
Travel date to travel date to, optional
Travel period ship
Booking date from which time period should be considered to calculate the turnover or pax.
Booking date to which time period should be considered to calculate the turnover or pax
Travel no. Text field can be filled. Here can be entered a special travel number for the contract type.
Info 1
Info 2

Contract level

No. contract level must be a numeric value, start with 1 and serially numbered.
Descriptiontext field must be filled.
Turnover from can be filled, must be smaller then turnover to
Turnover to can be filled, must be bigger then turnover from
Min. turnover prev. year Minimum turnover from last year
Increase prev. year from from/to values when there is an increase of turnover in the last year
Increase prev. year to from/to values when there is an increase of turnover in the last year
Pax fromPax from, can be filled must be smaller than pax to
Pax toPax from, can be filled must be bigger than pax from
Booking sourcehere can be selected a special booking source to give different provision depending on booking source.

Contract entry

Product type Select the valid product type
Departure from date field, optional
Departure to date field, optional
VAT select a stored tax from tax table
percent commission rate
Absolute fix commission rate
Calculation type select one calculation type. If it is empty, then it will be participant related.
Max. Maximum absolute provision value
Valid from date field, optional
Valid to date field, optional

Calculate provision on a booking

In the booking process the provision will be calculated on service line. Therefore there will be
calculated for every price of the service the provision depending on product type.

In the contract hierarchy the first contract which is a base contract will be searched. This one will be searched until the head of the agency chain. If no contract will be found, the system searches for the next contract type which works as base contract and it will again searched in the agency hierarchy. This way will be continued until a valid contract will be found. This search will not take care for the product types, it will just search for the valid contract for the service and will use this one for all price lines. The search is not on contract head level, but on contract level. The validity of the contract head will be considered in the search process. Wirth this concept, there will be always only one valid contract for a service line and not different contracts for different price lines.

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