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Table of content
1.1 Where to find the allotment
1.2 Setup of allotment
1.3 Modifications of a date range
1.3.1 Reduce / add a allotment and/or change the release date
1.3.2 Block out dates
1.3.3 Sales stop but request
1.3.4 Sales stop and fully booked
1.4 Modification of a single date
1.5 General informations about allotment
1.5.1 Participants
1.5.2 General allotments
2.1 Modify main allotment
2.2 Set up of sub allotment


Where to find the allotment

Menu "Travel" / "Allotments"

The following window opens

The catalogue "Allotments Unique" is created separately because it is valid until 2019 and therefore the allotments are independent from the annual catalogue.
On the left side you see the folder structure and the different allotments
On the right side you see the details of the marked allotment

Setup of allotment

Mark the designated folder, right mouse click, select "Create New Allotment"

Tab Allotment: Fill out the following dialog (example 1 is for hotel, example 2 for flight)

Name of allotmentWrite down the booking code and room type
DescriptionName of the hotel, destination and room type for hotels
3 letter code of departure and arrival destination, airline, class
Booking abilityselect Bookable
Enable the allotment in all catalogsalways flag
Allotment only for date checknever flag
Tab Additional Data: Fill out the following dialog for hotels

Allotment factor 7
Classificationselect "Time period" for hotel
Calculationselect "Night" (exception: day-use-room; select "Day")
Calculation typeselect "Unit"
Unitselect "Room"
Booking on request, when sold outif flagged, a booking will be on request when allotment is sold
Days before departureyou can define how many days before departure a booking on
request is possible
When no allotment, mark the bookingis not in use for Kuoni
Tab Additional Data: Fill out the following dialog for flights or transfers

Allotment factor 1
Classificationselect "Moment" for flights and transfers
Calculationselect "Day"
Calculation typeselect "Participants w/o babies (without babies)"
Unitselect "Seats"
Booking on request, when sold outif flagged, a booking will be on request when allotment is sold
Days before departureyou can define how many days before departure a booking on
request is possible
When no allotment, mark the bookingis not in use for Kuoni
Set new terms/allotments:
Mark "Main allotment", right mouse click, select "Set new terms/allotments"

Fill out the following dialog

From/To dateselect via dropdown box from/to date
Daysflag the days where an allotment is available
Every weekselect if the allotment is every week or every 2./3. week
Normal enter the amount of the allotment
Booking ability

Bookable bookable in all systems
Blocked externallybookable internally only
Blocked for new bookings
Blocked internallybookable externally only
CRS blocked blocked for CETS
Fully blockedfully blocked
Booking always on requestif flagged, all the bookings get the state RQ (=request)
Sales stop but requestif flagged, no allotment is available anymore and all the
bookings get the state RQ
Number of request/waitinglistNOT IN USE FOR KUONI

Release timeselect if release time is in the Morning, Evening or User
Defined (if User defined, enter a release time)
Amountenter the amount of allotment
Keepenter 0
Days sale/Days purchaseenter how many days before departure the release is
Attention: always add 3 days to the release day because of the
Report day 1 / 2NOT IN USE FOR KUONI
Accommodation optimizerNOT IN USE FOR KUONI
Remarks this is for internal notes
e.g. if you buy allotments for specific days in addition you can
write down a note in the remark
Please leave the rest open
 Save with button OK
You will get the following output

Modifications of a date range

Mark "Main allotment", right mouse click, select "Change/Delete Dates/Allotments"

The following dialog opens

Reduce / add a allotment and/or change the release date

Selection of Datesenter the from/to date of the modification of allotment
flag the required days
Changes in the allotmentsflag "Total amount"
enter the TOTAL AMOUNT (for a reduction enter a minus
before the number)
select "Total" from the dropdown box
Amountenter again the total amount
Days sale/Days purchaseenter the new release it it changed; if not, leave open

Enter OK

The modification has bin executed. From 01.04 to 10.04.09 there is a allotment of 7.

Block out dates

Selection of Dateenter the from/to date of the modification of allotment
flag the required days
Changes in the allotmentsflag "Total amount"
Enter 0 in the first field
Select "Total" in the second field
Enter OK

The modification has bin executed. From 10.01 to 15.01.09 there are no allotments

Sales stop but request

Selection of Dateenter the from/to date of the modification of allotment
flag the required days
Sales stop but requestflag

Leave the rest open and enter OK

The modification has bin executed. The dates from 01.05 to 10.05.09 are now red because they are on request now.

Sales stop and fully booked

Selection of Dateenter the from/to date of the modification of allotment
flag the required days
Changes in the allotmentsflag "Total amount"
Enter 0 in the first field
Select "Total" in the second field
Flag "Booking ability"
Select "Fully blocked"
 Enter "OK"

The modification has bin executed. The dates from 01.02 to 05.02.09 are now fully blocked and there are no allotments anymore.

Modification of a single date

With a double click on a certain date, you can see the details of a particular allotment.

In this dialog you can also modify the allotment or release, but just for this particular date.

General informations about allotment


To view all participants for a certain date, right mouse click into the date, select "Participant"

The following dialog opens and you can see all participants who are booked for the 23.04.09 including allotment, service and booking state.

General allotments

The following general allotments have already been created by KuDos CC:
ACC/RQfor hotels and roundtrips on request
FLT/RQfor flights on request
CAR/OKfor rental cars with state OK (no request)
CAR/RQfor rental cars on request
TRA/OKfor transfers with state OK (no request)
TRA/RQfor transfers on request
EXC/RQfor excursions on request
Important: If a booking code is not linked with an allotment, this service will automatically be booked with the state OK. Therefore it is important to link an allotment with a booking code where the services has to be on request.


Modify main allotment

Create the allotment header as like above within chapter "Set up of allotment" described. Before setting new terms/allotments, mark "Main allotment", use right mouse click and select "Properties".

Overwrite the field "Name" - in our example with "B Class Economy" and the "Description" field.

Select tab "Optional Restrictions" and define the field "Sub 2 code" with "B Class" in our example.
Confirm your entry by pressing the "OK" button.

The field "Sub 2 code" then needs to be assigned to the relevant service type (class) within the booking code:

Mark "B Class Economy", use right mouse click and select "Set new terms/allotments" as described within the chapter "Set up allotment" above.

Output example:

Set up of sub allotment

Select the allotment header (ZRH RJK/XY), use right mouse click and menu "Create New Suballotment".

Select "Main allotment within the "Access code" - because this sub allotment is available for all clients
(If a sub allotment is available for a specific client only, then a separate access code could be defined and assigned to the address of the client)
Insert the relevant "Name" and "Description" and select "Booking ability - Bookable".

Select tab "Optional Restrictions" and define the field "Sub 2 code" with "B Class" in our example.
Confirm your entry by pressing the "OK" button.

The field "Sub 2 code" then needs to be assigned to the relevant service type (class) within the booking code:

Mark "M Class Economy", use right mouse click and select "Set new terms/allotments" as described within the chapter "Set up allotment" above.

Output example:

Continue with this procedure for further classes - as like Y Class Economy.

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