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1. Booking Independent Task Template
2. Booking Independent Fulfillment Plan
3. Create booking independent tasks in relation to reference date

Booking Independent Task Template

With the new development, a difference between booking dependent and booking independent task templates has been implemented.

If the user creates a new Task template, it is now possible to define the due date in relation to a "reference date".

If the the due date is set either X days before or after reference date, the lower part of the task template for definition of triggers in booking process is greyed out.

The task template can now be saved to be used during creation of booking independent tasks or fulfillment plans for booking independent tasks.

If a task template is deleted, any task which has been initiated on base of this task template in the work place will still remain there.

Booking Independent Fulfillment Plan

In the fulfillment plan section, it is now possible to define fulfillment plans which can be used for generation of multiple booking independent tasks.

If the user starts creating a new fulfillment plan, it is now possible to activate the fulfillment plan for booking independent task creation.

For a booking independent fulfillment plan, it is only possible to link booking independent task templates.

After adding all required booking independent task templates, the fulfillment plan can be saved.

If a fulfillment plan is deleted, any task which has been initiated on base of this fulfillment plan in the work place will still remain there.

Create booking independent tasks in relation to reference date

In the workplace section for booking independent tasks, it is now possible to select different ways of generating tasks with click on the icon.

The user can now create:

  1. NEW: A new booking independent task as before.

  1. NEW from task template: A new booking independent task using a booking independent task template.

Here, it is possible to enter the reference date, Booking code and Departure ID.

After selection of the task template in the lower part, the booking independent task can be saved. Upon saving, the due date is now calculated on base of the defined rules in the booking independent task template in relation to the entered reference date.
In this example, reference date is 01.03.2013. In the booking independent task template, the relation for due date and notification date is both 40 days before reference date (18.01.2013).

  1. NEW from fulfillment plan: Multiple new booking independent tasks by using a booking independent fulfillment plan.

Here, it is possible to enter the reference date (e.g. departure date of a PNR), Booking code (here, filekey) and Departure ID. A selection from all booking independent fulfillment plans is possible for creation of booking independent tasks for all tasks added to the fulfillment plan.

The due date and notification dates are calculated for all tasks in relation to the reference date.

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