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Handling of IATA/BSP in JACK Plus NL
Transfer from reservation system to Jack Plus
The reservation is done in an external CRS system (Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan, Sabre) outside of Jack. By issuing a ticket or by a specific transaction in the CRS the CRS will send files to a Jack folder. The configuration for this folder has to be done in the CRS system itself.
Also in Jack the specific folder on one PC in the office has to be defined at <Bestand> <CRS> <CRS-Opties>. Choose your reservation system and you will have various options to define.

Once all settings have been defined, the PNR´s will be visible in Jack once you issue tickets or execute the specific transaction (Amadeus "BT" or Sabre "DIT"...).

Import into Jack
Once transferred, the PNR´s will be visible at <Bestand> <CRS-PNR´s>. The number at the beginning indicates the number of tickets located inside the PNR. Please double click on a PNR to transfer it into Jack into a new booking. You can also transfer PNR`s into existing bookings. Please make sure, to have the existing booking opened (<Boeking> <Boeking>), while you click on <Bestand> <CRS-PNR´s>, then it will be added.

Payment of the client
The payment of the client can be done by two different ways. The first way is to search the booking via the search-window <Boeking> <Boeking zoeken> and then activate it (it will be displayed on top at "Klant" and "Boeking"). The payment can then be entered by <Boeking> <Invoeren klantenbetaling>. Take care of all the fields marked blue:

  • Which type of payment
  • Date of payment
  • Amount of payment

In the field marked green, you will find all made payments later.

The second way is meant for your accountant when entering the bank statements. At <Boekhouding> <Handmatig boeken> you will find a special function to enter client payments faster than the first way, because you don´t have to browse through several windows, but only one window.
At <Boekhouding> <Handmatig boeken> please fill in the following fields to use the second way of entering a client payment the fast way:

  • <Datum>
  • <Default rek. nr.> (please enter the bank G/L-account-no. here)
  • <Ref.> (please enter the specific number/page o fthe bank-statement if possible, otherwise leave empty)

When you entered these fields, a new field at the bottom will appear <Boek.nr.> where you can enter the booking-number, you like to enter a payment for.

When you fill in the <Boek.nr.> and press <Tab>ulator on the keyboard a window will appear, where you can check the details of the booking and enter the amount that has been paid.

No matter which field you use <Klantenaanbetaling> or <Klantenrestbetaling>, the two fields are there to offer you the amounts of first and last payment, so that you don´t have to fill them in. You can also enter your desired amount, that can be different. Put the little flag <Aanbetaling overnemen> or <Restbetaling overnemen> to choose which amount will be used. Click on <OK> to add the client payment to the bank statement in Jack.
Please note that the entries are only processed if you click on <Muteer> later. Unless you did not do that, you can also still delete the entries from the lower area.
Check ticket error list
Daily or weekly you should check the ticket-error-list at <Lijsten> <Ticket error lijst>

The error list will show you tickets that do not match to the bookings in Jack/invoices, that you charged the client. What should be done with the entries, the list shows you? With a right-click you can directly open a booking to check and correct the following information within the mentioned tickets / bookings:

  • Click on the register-card <Passagiers>. Do the prices fit to the tickets, that are in the booking? If not, please click on <Toewijzen> and assign the prices correctly
  • At register-card <Services> in a booking you find the service(s), that can be double-clicked. Within the flight-service click on <Ticket> to review the ticket-data. On the upper left, you can choose between the tickets. Please check every single ticket-number if the information on the right side concerning the passenger and the bottom concerning the prices make sense.

  • Field <Ticketnr:>: please choose which ticket you want to change. If there´s only one, no need to choose anything in this field.
  • Fields <Name:/Line:> / <Book.:/Serv.:>: please check if this link to the passenger/booking/service-line is correct. In many cases on the error-list this link does not match to the price, that has been assigned to a passenger in the booking at <Passagiers> (use <Toewijzen> here to assign the prices correctly).
  • Fields <VK Persoon> / <IK Persoon> / <Winst Persoon>: if <Winst Persoon> is minus, the ticket will appear on the error-list.

The daily/weekly check of this list should avoid errors, when doing the summary invoice or when importing the BSP-import-file.
Import of BSP data file
You can order a weekly or monthly data delivery from BSP with all ticket-data. BSP will deliver a file, that can be imported in Jack and will do a comparison between the ticket-data in Jack (not the bookings) and the ticket-data delivered by BSP.
See the following screenshots, how you can do the import of the file. Please note, that no compressed ZIP-files can be imported. The file that you receive from BSP will be a compressed ZIP-file, that is password-secured. You will receive the password from BSP. Please decompress the file before importing it.
Once you imported a file, an entry will appear in the list and you can mark this entry and click on <Toon lijst> to see what has been imported. Do not enter any date there, but only choose if you want to see only the errors or all entries.

Use <Vergelijk> to start the comparison of Jack ticket-data and BSP-file again. But this will also be done automatically when importing the file. Please note that this menu-point does not have any effect on accounting, but is only to help find errors, as for example missing tickets in Jack or double ticket data or false prices.

Processing data for accounting <Verzamelfactuur>
By doing the payment of the client the amount in accounting is only put on a debitor on the credit-side. By using the menu-point <Boekhouding> <Boeking/Reservering> <Verzamelfactuur op tickets> the amounts on all the debitors will be put from the debitor to the BSP-G/L-account. If you are using the Jack-fee-module the fee will also be put on the fee-G/L-account that you defined at <Bestand> <Parameters> <Fee-instellingen> before.
Start the process by clicking <Boekhouding> <Boeking/Reservering> <Verzamelfactuur op tickets>. Later you should do the same with <Boekhouding> <Boeking/Reservering> <Verzamelfactuur> because the other point only processes services with tickets. With the second menu-point also services with no ticket-data will be processed.

Enter <Boekingsdatum> and <Ticketdatum> where the booking-period should be a greater period, because it will only show you tickets within the booking-period. It is also wise to include older periods, because "forgotten" tickets will also be shown. Then click on <Zoeken>.

The list appears, please click on <Muteer> then.

Choose <Selecteer alles> and all entries will be marked blue and the following window appears:

Choose as processing-date the last day of the month, to have a better overview, which transactions are done by you and which is not (the entries with other dates, that you will see at <Boekhouding> <Rekeningen>). Choose <Print> "Nee" and <Muteren> "Ja" to process it to accounting, but not print hundreds of invoices. It will only take some seconds to process hundreds of tickets.
Specific for a client in NL: G/L accounts "831.000" for the fees and "801.101" for sales IATA. Have a look at <Boekhouding> <Rekeningen> and the mentioned G/L-accounts.

Further steps in accounting
Please note that by check of the ticket-error-list and also with the upload of the BSP-file no transactions are done in accounting in Jack. But these two steps are only meant to minimize errors to have the correct amounts later when you do the <Verzamelfactuur>.
When the BSP-invoice arrives (paper / download via BSP-Link) the further steps in accounting can be done, because the amounts from the invoice are used to be put into accounting in Jack.
In Jack click on <Boehouding> <Handmatig boeken> and fill in the listed G/L-accounts and amounts:

<Datum>, <Debet> <Credit>, <Bedrag> and <Tekst> are mandatory fields for every transaction. Click on <Voeg toe> once you filled out the window and begin a new entry. Click on <Muteer> to process all entries.
Find the correct steps on the following page.

These are made for a client in NL, but can be used as example!!!
For the weekly payments to BSP:
<Debet> "300.002" Creditor IATA -> <Credit> "101.000" Rabobank

  • With specific date of the payment and amount of the payment
  • The same procedure for the final payment of a month

When the invoice of BSP arrives:
<Debet> "701.004" Purchase IATA -> <Credit> "300.002" Creditor IATA

  • With date last of the month, so that Sales and Purchase do match for one month
  • The amount should be the "payable balance", you will find on one of the last pages of the BSP-invoice.

<Debet> "701.004" Purchase IATA -> <Credit> "831.104" Profit

  • Date last of the month, the amount you will find on the BSP-invoice. It is the amount of commissions, if applicable.

In most cases your commission will be the fee, you charged. If there are still some tickets with commission, the last transaction is necessary because otherwise "701.004" Purchase IATA and "801.101" Sales IATA will not match.
After these transactions the Creditor IATA "300.002" should be on Zero. Please check this via <Boekhouding> <Rekeningen>.
All mentioned G/L-accounts are specific for a client in NL, and were setup during an appointment in the Netherlands. Please also have a look at the basic-data for the settings. If you wish to change G/L-accounts take a look at these menu-points:

  • <Basisgegevens> <Tour Operator> (open "IATA" or "BSP" here, then click on <Rekening>)
  • <Bestand> <Parameters> <Fee-instellingen>
  • <Boekhouding> <Basisgegevens> <Rekeningschema>

For further questions do not hesitate to contact our support via
support@bewotec.de or +49 2205 89 64 45
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