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Bus Module

Table of Content

1 Table of Content
2 Bus Set-Up
2.1 Destination areas
2.2 Entry points
2.3 Bus routes
2.4 Booking code BU

Bus Set-Up

Destination areas

Destination areas can be used to filter entry points in dialog routes and entry points.
New destination areas can be set up as following.

Here the user can insert new records or edit or remove existing records.

Entry points

Entry points can be entered in following dialog:

Here the user can enter new entry points.
Code: Mandatory and unique
Type: Free field
Description: Free description field
City: Name of the entry point
Entry/Exit: Type if empty it can function as both
Country: US State or CAN province
ZIP: Additional ZIP code
Destination: destination area

Bus routes

Bus routes can be entered in following dialog:

Here you can add, edit and delete bus routes.
When clicking on an existing route following dialog is opened:

Here you can watch the existing linked entry points with a from and to date and the week day(s).

Clicking on NEW-button:

Then you can link an entry point as new route entry point by clicking it on the left side.

After doing that you can see the entry point on the left side:

Period has today date as default. This can be changed to a period or just one single day.
When you create a period you have to indicate the affected days:

The time format is not using am/pm that means 18:00 means 6 pm.

Moreover, within the route just the entry and exit points will be needed. No stopovers will be needed!

For correct basic data we need always a default entry point!

Booking code BU

For a new bus booking code click on Create new booking code from the group you want to link it:

Requirement is BU that leads to a additional tab transport.
A coach has booking ability "Closed as individual service" because it must be avoided to sell it separately.
If you have to fill in a confirmation number then use flag "Always include service in RQ handling".
If you send out only a bus list before tour start then leave all RQ flags in Options1 empty.

Service types for coaches

The service type has a code restriction on min max 1 person:

When you use the wizard for your allotment the allotment is not Time period, but moment

That means that the system books for travel from March 01 – March 05 only 1 allotment for the first available allotment day in this period.

NDW start in SFO April 05 and has stopover in LAX April 07 and will end in SFO April 18
HDW start in LAX April 05 and ends in SFO April 18.

In the beginning there is just 1 53-seater for both tours. Then for 02-06-10 there will be an additional bus from LAX for a higher demand for HDW. That will be reflected in allotment of 106.
In case you need a third bus for NDW this will be then an allotment of 159.
The allotment has to reflect both tour dates. In the template example it was on a weekly basis.

Link Routes to coach service:

In tab Transport you have to link your route for this tour as "Segment1".
In our case we link route NDW to coach traveling between SFO to SFO.
The setting for route details is always "Outbound".
The route has to reflect the route structure and need to be cover the same dates as the allotments otherwise the booking process returns in an error.

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