Request Handling EN

Request Handling EN

Instructions Request Handling
TTable of contents
1 Introduction
2 Activating the New Request Handling manually
3 Defining Filter
3.1 Defining Filter Sets
3.2 Booking Tab and Details
3.3 Service Tab and Details
3.4 Request Tab and History
4 Actions in RQ Handling
4.1 Actions and states
4.2 States in Request Handling
4.3 States in Genesis
4.4 Action on service level
4.5 Action on request level
5 Implementation of Action
5.1 Description
5.2 Filter
5.3 Print Grouping
5.4 Multiple recipients
5.5 Devices


This document describes the configuration and the handling for the new Request Handling.
The new request handling is active as soon as the old request handling is deactivated. To verify this see System Setting tab "settings" in folder "DaVinci" under the item "Request Handling/Various" point 10. The check box for "Old request handling active" must be inactive.

New Request Handling will open automatically after every request booking.

  • Check box: "Open request handling from Genesis" must be activated.See "settings" in folder "DaVinci" under the item "Request Handling/Various" point 9.

Activating the New Request Handling manually

Under "Bookings" the user will find the item "Request Handling" and via mouse click the new request Handling will be opened_._

Defining Filter

With right mouse click on the left side of the request Handling you find the item "Configure" where the Filter/FilterSets have to be defined.

The configured Filter can be changed and adjusted any time.

Defining Filter Sets

On the left side of the Request Handling you find the tab Filter Set.
With right mouse click a new group can be defined, where all filter sets e.g. for one customer is stored.

When group is saved a new set can be created with right mouse click on item new.

Then name the Filter Set and select the needed filter criteria by marking them. They will be added or deleted by clicking on the arrow buttons.

Operator can be defined via drop down menu:

  • Equal - similar to the value which will be added in the field beneath.
  • In List – a list appears in which the user can select values to be considered.
  • Not equal – unequal to the value which will be added in the field beneath.
  • Not in List - a list appears in which the user can select values not to be considered.
  • Between – the value has to be between the two values user can enter free

Value can also be selected activating a check box inside the drop down menu.

By executing the defined filter sets the user can check for example daily activities avoiding the manual single search. He can finish all request of the result list of this "query" successively.
Filter Set will be executed with right mouse click on marked filter and selecting "Execute".

Booking Tab and Details

In the booking tab the information of the booking are shown.

The tab is configurable: click on the header, then select "Columns" and add or delete
the respective points_._

It is also possible to configure more details on the booking level by clicking on the header. You can click everywhere in the tab with a right mouse click and select "Configure".

The system leads you to the filter in which the user can configure the needed fields.

In result the configured fields are displayed in two columns, description and data Value.

Service Tab and Details

The Service Tab displays the service details of the booking. They are divided in RQ and Non-RQ Services. Both tabs are configurable individually in the same way explained in chapter 2.1.

It is also possible to see more details of a marked service by configuring the details tab.

Request Tab and History

In the Request Tab the Customer Requests (Medicals und Essentials) and the Allotment Requests are displayed.

In the Tab "Batch Requests" all requests which are marked for the batch will be listed.
These tabs are also configurable.
On the right side the tab "Request History" is situated_._

In this tab you can see all History entries for one or more requests, depending on which one you have marked before in the Request Tab.

Actions in RQ Handling

Actions and states

Status des Requests

mögliche Aktionen

Status nach Ausführen der Aktion



Send Request












Send Request
















RQ deny




Send Reminder

RQS (no change of status)



Send Change

RQS (no change of status)











RQ deny




Send Reminder

RKS (no change of status)



Send Change

RKS (no change of status)








RQ (if status has been RQ before)

RQS (If status has been RQS before)


Send Change

RF (no change of status)




RF (no change of status)








RK (if status has been RK before)

RKS (If status has been RKS before)


Send Change

RC (no change of status)




RC (no change of status)







Send Cancellation








-> no action possible



States in Request Handling






Request in allotment (Contingent) (on basis of system settings/ Flag via Request Handling, the booking will be requested although there is an existing contingent)


Request send


Request send in Contingent


Request Fix


Request Confirmed




Request denied

States in Genesis






Request in allotment (Flag via Request Handling announcing
requested booking although there is an existing contingent)


Request Fix


Request Confirmed



Action on service level

There are two possibilities to execute all actions: at the service level and at the request level.
At the service level the user has got the possibility via right mouse click on the marked service.

Possible actions can be:

  • Reconfirm" is only important and valid for train requests.
  • "Send Change" is always possible and the following rules are defined for it:

If any changes - like cancellations or extensions - have been made in the booking,
the system can automatically recognise all related services and when the user starts
the "send change" action daVinci is able to send the respective request.

  • "Batch start for marked" is only possible on the service level, within this action the user is able to start the batch print for selected services.
  • "Start batch" starts the Batch for all requests which were marked for execution in Batch.

Every action except "Batch start for marked" and "Start batch" the following Pop Up appears.

In the pop up "Implementation of action" the user may select whether the request is send directly or stored for batch execution.

Action on request level

Another possibility to execute an action is given on the request level, be careful by marking only the wanted lines.

In difference to the service level it is only possible to "Start batch" for all marked batch requests.

Implementation of Action


The field "Description" will be saved in the history and in addition the field is passed to the report.


Before executing the request action you may select the targets the request should be send to.
The default configuration is that all kind of requests will be executed. But within the drop down box the user has the possibility to execute the action only for "Allotment RQ" or "Customer RQ".

Print Grouping

In the print grouping the user can select the needed value which will be executed for the printing or mailing of the requests.

Multiple recipients

Under the item "Additional recipient" it is possible to select multiple recipients via check box in the corresponding drop down menu. Precondition: various recipients must have been saved in the respective booking code.

If more than one request is selected and these selected requests have different recipients, system will display "Diverse" instead of "Air France".


There are three possible devices, the request can be;

  • Printed
  • Sent by mail
  • A new history entry

The devices "Print" and "Mail" can be combined.
The device "History" has nothing to do with the History Tab, it means that every action will be saved in the history and no output will be generated.