GTA-Interface Software Documentation

GTA-Interface Software Documentation

Software Documentation
WO_112: GTA Interface - Phase 2

Ordering party : Railtour Suisse sa

Created by: Kerstin Freiß


D:\000_Bewotec\001_Railtour\GTA Interface\WO_111_Basisanbindung\WO_111_GTA_Interface_Software_Documentation_0.2.doc


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10/28/2013 17:10:00 A10/P10


9/22/2011 10:09:00 A9/P9

The information contained in this document is the proprietary and exclusive property of Bewotec GmbH except as otherwise indicated. No part of this document, in whole or in part, may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or used for design purposes without the prior written permission of Bewotec GmbH.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
The information in this document is provided for informational purposes only. Bewotec specifically disclaims all warranties, express or limited, including, but not limited, to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except as provided for in a separate software license agreement.

Privacy Information
This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. This information should not be given to persons other than those who are involved in the "DaVinci" project or who will become involved during the lifecycle of this project.

General remark
The final dialog design/layout of the screens may vary, but the described functionality shall be integrated.








Document created

K. Freiß



Document enhanced

K. Freiß



Document enhanced

K. Freiß


























1 Requirement
1 Architecture
2 Hotel service
3 DaVinci Basic definitions
3.1 Price profile
3.2 Provider profile
3.3 CRS tab
3.4 Queue
4 GTA Products in DaVinci
5 General interface functionality
5.1 Accommodation search
5.2 Booking process
5.3 Cancellation process
5.4 Error handling
6 Automatic MarkUp
7 Samples
7.1 Booking request GTA product
7.2 Booking GTA product
7.3 Booking GTA product on request
7.4 Adding GTA product
7.5 Cancellation GTA product
7.6 Deletion cancelled GTA product
7.7 Optional Booking not possible
7.8 Booking GTA product with automatic MarkUp
7.9 Cets Booking GTA product with automatic MarkUp


The background of the development project is that the touristic market is in a change as following:
The hotel suppliers do want to sell their rooms more and more on their own instead of giving their allotments to tour operators.
Therefore interfaces to hotel suppliers are getting more important.
The objective of this second phase of the project is the enhancement of the already implemented booking interface to the hotel supplier GTS/GTA out of DaVinci (WO_111).

The following functionalities are available in DaVinci release version 1060 or higher:

  1. Availability check of the defined external GTA hotel services against GTA within the CETS hotel search screen.
  2. Genesis hotel search screen including an availability check of the defined external GTA hotel services against GTA.
  3. Bookability of GTA hotel services which are on request out of DaVinci.

This document describes the complete GTA interface functionality which is available in DaVinci version 1060 or higher.


This document describes the online functionality between GenVas and the GTA web service.

Hotel service

The Windows hotel service can be installed by using the installation routine 'setup.exe'.
The only setting which has to be defined outside Davinci is the DaVinci db connection within the configuration file 'Bewo.Config.Manager.dll.config':

Attributes element <Provider>
<db-server>: the name (or IP) of the DaVinci database server
<db-name> : the name of the DaVinci database
<user> / <password> :log in credentials of the DaVinci database
The service can be started after the configuration has been done.
The interface can also be started as 'HotelService.ServiceHost.exe' for test purpose.
The related configuration entries need to be done in 'HotelService.ServiceHost.exe.config'.

DaVinci Basic definitions

Price profile

To allow a correct import of purchase prices from GTA a price profile has to be defined with all necesarry entries and later on assigned to the provider profile.

Provider profile

The external provider profile needs to be defined within the DaVinci basic data under CRS – External Systems.

The 'Provider Name' (e.g. GTA) is a free name entry.
The 'Protocoll Transformer' name has to be 'Gta'.
'Adresse' is the URL of the GTA web service.
'Benutzer' and 'Passwort' are the login credentials of the GTA web service.
'Email' is the corresponding GTA email address.
For an correct import of purchase prices it is necessary to assign an EK price profile. Otherwise the system won't import any purchase prices from GTA.

Optional bookings have to be disabled on the third tab of the definition since the interface does only support fix/confirmed reservation and requests.
For more information regarding request bookings please also read chapter "General interface functionality".

CRS tab

The following flag enables the CRS tab on booking code level:


In case of errors (e.g. time out during communication with the extern System, ..) DaVinci will create queue entries.
The queue definition within DaVinci is done under Queue / CRM:

GTA Products in DaVinci


  • One GTA product is defined as one DaVinci booking code
  • One GTA room type is defined as one DaVinci service type

Defintion of an GTA product within DaVinci:
On the first tab 'Buchungscode' 'Hotel-Interface' needs to be set as LT-Interface and the corresponding provider profile (e.g. GTA) needs to be assigned:

The tab 'CRS' contains the assignment of the external hotel code plus the external city code (both codes are supplied by GTA):

The external room code 'Unterbringung' (supplied by GTA) which represents the GTA occupancy type needs to be assigned on level hotel service type (room type). The DaVinci code needs to be defined according to the valid occupany in GTA.

The final GTA room types ("GTA room ID") is selected during the booking process.

General interface functionality

The following functionalities are available for GTA products:

  • GTA search requests based on DaVinci destination codes and DaVinci booking codes (accommodation list)
  • Availability requests against GTA (Genesis action BA and Cets action Book/Check)
  • Creation of external reservations in GTA (Genesis action B + BC and Cets action Book/Fix)
  • Adding of additional GTA products to an existing booking (Genesis action U + UC)
  • Cancellation of external GTA reservations (Genesis action S + SN)

Accommodation search

The Genesis accommodation search (Genesis menue entry 'Accomodtion search' on service level) allows the user to search for available hotels in DaVinci and GTA.

Search criteria
Destination: DaVinci destination for which the user likes to see all available hotels.
Booking code:DaVinci hotel booking code (in combination with Katalog) for which the user likes to see the
One of the both entries needs to be filled. In case both are filled both criterie will be handled as OR.
Room type:DaVinci service type for which the user likes to see the availability.
Travel date range:Travel date range for which the user likes to see the availability.
Adults, children, …:Amont of passengers for which the user likes to see the availability.
Hotel list
Ext: 'X' if it is an external (GTA) hotel product.
Catalog:DaVinci catalogue of the shown hotel.
Booking Code: DaVinci booking code of the shown hotel.
Hotel:DaVinci hotel description code of the shown hotel.
Room Type:DaVinci room type code.
Room: Internal DaVinci hotel: DaVinci room type description.
External GTA hotel: GTA room type- and meal plan description
Categorie:DaVinci hotel categorie.
Vacancy:Internal DaVinci hotel: DaCinci vacancy.
External GTA hotel: GTA vacancy = 'R' (on request) or '1' (at least on room is available)
Price:Internal DaVinci hotel: Empty
External GTA hotel: Price per unit from GTA.
Currency: Internal DaVinci hotel: Empty
External GTA hotel: Currency from GTA.
<Search>To search for avalable hotels.
<Overtake>:To insert the marked hotel room into Genesis and leave the accomodation
search dialog open. The user can select another hotel room.
<Insert>:To insert the marked hotel room into Genesis and close the accomodation
search dialog.
<Cancel>:To cancel the accomodation search dialog.

Booking process

After selection of a specific hotel room the user can process the GTA reservation in Genesis or Cets (Touronline).
It is possible to request or book one GTA room within one DaVinci service line.
The booking request (Genesis action BA or Book/Check in Cets) can be executed for final availability and price check.
In case the user haven't selected a specific GTA hotel room at the time of action BA or B* the system will consider the cheapest room/meal plan category from GTA.
For GTA products the avaliability will be checked against DaVinci and GTA in the following order: DaVinci and, if available against GTA! Freesales (no Davinci allotment) will be considered.
GTA services, which are 'on Request' lead into the DaVinci status RQ and require a manual request confirmation within DaVinci.
The price supplied by GTA will be stored as manual purchase price. Purchase prices from DaVinci aren't considered.
The sales price is taken from DaVinci or calculated based on the GTA purchase price plus a defined MarkUp (see chapter 6 / Automatic MarkUp).
Customer requests will be stored in DaVinci but won't be passed to GTA.
At the time the reservation is done in GTA the system will store the supplied external GTA reservation number, room description, meal plan code, meal plan description and prices within the DaVinci booking (on service level).

Cancellation process

An external GTA reservation can be cancelled (partial DaVinci cancellation or full cancellation) with one of the Davinci cancellation action S or SN or in Cets.
The GTA service will be on status 'XX'; internal cancellation fee is calculated.
Furthermore it is possible to delete a cancelled GTA product with Genesis action U, UC or UQ. The deletion of an active GTA service will be rejected.
Please note that this functionality can only be ensured if the booking contains the same GTA product once and if the booking is not a full cancellation.

Error handling

The system will decline the DaVinci booking and will respond with an error message in case

  • the booking contains an GTA product with quantity > 1 within the same service line (actions BA, B and BC)
  • the user requests or tries to create an optional booking which contains an GTA hotel service (action OA and O)
  • the user tries to change an GTA hotel service (actions U, UQ and UC)
  • the GTA system does not respond within the defined time out

Automatic MarkUp

Tables for automatic percental MarkUps can be defined within the system settings-> conditions:

It is possible to distinguish percentage values per travel date range.
Furthermore it is mentarory to enter a price profile to generate the affected sales price lines.
In case the GTA price is supplied in a foreign currency the system will consider the purchase exchange rate.

MarkUp tables can be linked on the following three levels.
The different MarkUps will be considered in the mentioned priority during the calculation process.

  1. Booking Code

The user can either link a classic sales price table on, after enabling the flag, or a MarkUp table.
The link on product, or booking code, level has the highest priority during the calculation process.

  1. Destination

The link on destination will be fired for products with MarkUp flag (no own MarkUp table) and the coresponding travel destination.

  1. General system default MarkUp

The default MarkUp table will be fired for products with MarkUp flag (no own MarkUp table) and no Markup on the coresponding travel destination.


Booking request GTA product

Booking request:

The external service is marked as GTA product (GTA icon).
The availability has been checked against DaVinci and GTA.
The sales prices has been calculated based on the DaVinci basic definitions.

The external room description, the meal plan description, the meal plan code and the purchase price have imported from GTA and are shown within the service details.

Booking GTA product


The external service is marked as GTA product (GTA icon).
The availability has been checked against DaVinci and GTA.
The sales price has been calculated from the DaVinci definitions.
The customer requests have beed stored in DaVinci.

The external GTA reservation number, the room description, the meal plan description, the meal plan code and the purchase price have imported and stored within the service details.
The DaVinci allotment has been reduced if exist.

Booking GTA product on request


The external service is marked as GTA product (GTA icon).
The availability has been checked against DaVinci and GTA-> on request
The sales price has been calculated from the DaVinci definitions.

The external GTA reservation number, the room description, the meal plan description, the meal plan code and the purchase price have imported and stored within the service details.

Adding GTA product

Before re-booking:

Re-booking request for second GTA room:

Re-booking for second GTA room:

The external service is marked as GTA product (GTA icon).
The availability has been checked against DaVinci and GTA.
The sales price has been calculated from the DaVinci definitions.
The customer requests have beed stored in DaVinci.
The external GTA reservation number, the room description, the meal plan description, the meal plan code and the purchase price have imported and stored within the service details.
The DaVinci allotment has been reduced if exist.

Cancellation GTA product

Partial cancellation second GTA room:

The GTA room has internally and externally been cancelled.
Cancellation first GTA room with full cancellation:

The GTA room has internally and externally been cancelled.

Deletion cancelled GTA product

Before deletion, the second GTA hotel service is already cancelled:

After deletion of the cancelled external GTA hotel service and re-booking:

Optional Booking not possible

Booking GTA product with automatic MarkUp


The external service is marked as GTA product (GTA icon).
The availability has been checked against DaVinci and GTA.
The sales price has been calculated based on the GTA purchase price plus 20 % MarkUp, which is defined on booking code level.
The customer requests have beed stored in DaVinci.
The external GTA reservation number, the room description, the meal plan description, the meal plan code and the purchase price have imported and stored within the service details.
The DaVinci allotment has been reduced if exist.

Cets Booking GTA product with automatic MarkUp

Hotel search:

Room list:

The GTA room type- and meal plan descriptions are shown and can be selected.

After booking:

Cets Booking in Genesis:

The external service is marked as GTA product (GTA icon).
The availability has been checked against DaVinci and GTA.
The sales price has been calculated based on the GTA purchase price plus 20 % MarkUp, which is defined on booking code level.

The external GTA reservation number, the room description, the meal plan description, the meal plan code and the purchase price have imported and stored within the service details.
The DaVinci allotment has been reduced if exist.