

Software Documentation


Author: M. Schwanke

The information contained in this document is the proprietary and exclusive property of Bewotec GmbH except as otherwise indicated. No part of this document, in whole or in part, may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or used for design purposes without the prior written permission of Bewotec GmbH.
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Privacy Information
This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. This information should not be given to persons other than those who are involved in the "DaVinci" project or who will become involved during the lifecycle of this project.

General remark
The final dialog design/layout of the screens may vary, but the described functionality shall be integrated.

1. Access to Task Management
1.1. Enable User for the Task management.
2. Task management (CheckIt) Overview
2.1. Basic data / Administration
2.2. Workplace
3. Create user roles
4. Definitioin of Tasks
4.1. Task templates
4.4.1. Create task template
4.4.2. Modify task template
4.2. Fulfillment plans
4.2.1. Create fulfillment plan
4.2.2. Modify fulfillment plans
4.3. Assign task template to DaVinci booking code
4.3.1. Tasks overview for all services inside a package
4.3.2. Setup task dependencies
4.3.3. Setup dependencies to package tasks
4.3.4. Modify assigned tasks
4.3.5. Create task shell without task template
4.4. Assign fulfillment plan to DaVinci booking code
5. Workplace
5.1. Workplace batch mode
5.2. Manual task creation for a booking
5.3. Booking independent tasks

Access to Task Management

Enable User for the Task management.

Without user activation for the task management system it will not be possible to start the task management. Result of first start of DaVinci will be a deactivated "Task management" ("Aufgabenverwaltung") menu entry in DaVinci

To allow users to access to the task management system a DaVinci-Adminstrator user has to activate the DaVinci user account for the task management. The Administrator can activate himself. To activate a user it is needed to open the "Credential" Tab in the user basic data dialog and to click on "Enable Access to MyDaVinci"

The following dialog opens with clicking the "Enable Access to MyDaVinci" button. This dialogs verifies the login data and has to be filled with DaVinci user login and DaVinci password.

After the activation of the user the task management menu entry is active

For all other users the menu entry will stay deactivated until a DaVinci Administrator activates the users for the task management system.
Non DaVinci Administrator users are not able to active themselves.

Task management (CheckIt) Overview

This chapter describes the existing views in the task management system. It shall give an overview over the functionality which will be explained in detail in the next chapters.
The basic data / Administration and the workplace of the task management can be reached with the menu entry "Task Management" ("Aufgabenverwaltung")

Basic data / Administration

Within this Administration the following functionality is implemented:

  • Create of user roles
  • Create and modify task templates
  • Create and modify fulfillment plans
  • Assign task templates to DaVinci booking codes
  • Assign fulfillment plans to DaVinci booking codes
  • Modify assigned tasks shells


Within this workplace the following functionality is implemented:

  • Work on tasks (change state, enter remarks)
  • Create manual tasks
  • Search tasks with different search criteria
  • Group tasks per departure

Create user roles

A user role is needed to create tasks. It is mandatory to have a user role when setting up a task.

To create a new user role the plus button at the left bottom has to be clicked.

It is mandatory to set up a name of the user role. Additional it is possible to enter a description.
The entered user roles are saved with clicking the "save" ("Speichern") button"
A user role can be deleted by clicking the dustbin symbol at the end of the user role line which should be deleted.

Definitioin of Tasks

Task templates

After choosing the "Templates" ("Aufgaben Vorlagen") entry in the title menu the task template overview is displayed.

In the overview it is possible to filter the result list by name or by user role.
With clicking the dustbin symbol in the right column it is possible to delete a task template

Create task template

With clicking the "+" at the left bottom the dialog pops up which allows the user to create a new task template.

It is mandatory to enter a task template name and to select a user role. All other fields are optional.
With the "Instantiationtrigger" ("Instanziierungstrigger") it is possible to define if a task should be created while "Booking" ("Buchung") or "Cancellation" ("Stornierung")
The "Instantiationreason" ("Instanziierungsgrund") is used to define under which condition a task should be created.
Standard = Task will be always created
Offline Buchung = Task will be created in case of external flight services which are booked "offline" (SplitPNR)
On the "Subtask" ("Unteraufgaben") tab it is possible to define the subtask for the task which is created.

The "Priority" („Priorität") column is used for creating sub task dependencies.
The subtask, or subtasks with lowest value (= highest priority) in the "Priority" ("Priorität") are the tasks which are the first ones to complete.
Setting up a task with value "2" means that this task should not be started before all tasks with "1" are completed.
Example for a visa task:

Modify task template

With clicking on the task name or double click in the task line in the task template overview the dialog opens to modify a task template

Fulfillment plans

After choosing the "Fulfillment plans" ("Ausführungspläne") entry in the title menu the fulfillment plan overview is displayed.

In the overview it is possible to filter the result list by name.
With clicking the dustbin symbol in the right column it is possible to delete a fulfillment plan.

Create fulfillment plan

With clicking the "+" at the left bottom the dialog pops up which allows the user to create a new fulfillment plan.

It is mandatory to enter a fulfillment plan name. The description is optional
On the "Task" ("Aufgaben") tab it is possible to define the tasks which are included in the fulfillment plan.

On the top all tasks are displayed which are included in the fulfillment plan and at the bottom all task templates are displayed which exists.
To assign a task template to the fulfillment plan it is needed to drag a task template from the bottom table and drop it in the top table.

Modify fulfillment plans

With clicking on the fulfillment plan name or double click in the fulfillment plan line in the fulfillment plan overview the dialog opens to modify a fulfillment plan.

To remove task templates from a fulfillment plan it is needed to click the dustbin symbol in the task line at the top table on the "Tasks" ("Aufgaben") tab.

Assign task template to DaVinci booking code

After choosing the "Service assignment" ("Leistungszuweisung") entry in the title menu the screen to assign task to booking codes is displayed.

To assign a task to a DaVinci booking code the booking code must be selected in the tree view on the left and the task template has to be dragged from the table at the bottom right and dropped at the table at the top.

Tasks overview for all services inside a package

After choosing the "Service assignment" ("Leistungszuweisung") entry in the title menu the screen to assign task to booking codes is displayed. With choosing a package booking code in the booking code tree a button "All service assignments" ("Alle Leistungszuweisungen") is displayed

With clicking the button a dialog pops up which shows all tasks from service inside the package. These

Setup task dependencies

In the "Service assignment" ("Leistungszuweisung") it is possible to define task dependencies.
To configure these dependencies it is needed to open the dialog for modifying an assigned task.
With clicking on the task name or double click in the task line the dialog opens to modify a task shell.

On the "Dependencies" ("Abhängigkeiten") tab it is possible to setup dependencies between tasks inside the same booking code. To create a dependency to another task it is needed to drag a task from the table in the bottom and drop the task at the top table.
The task which is modified is then dependent on the task which is displayed in the top.

Setup dependencies to package tasks

In the "Service assignment" ("Leistungszuweisung") it is possible to define dependencies on task from the package where the service belongs to.
To configure these dependencies it is needed to open the dialog for modifying an assigned task.

On the "Package dependencies" ("Paketabhängigkeiten") tab it is possible to setup dependencies on task from the package. In the table at the bottom all tasks are displayed which are assigned to the packages where the service is part of.
To create a dependency to another task it is needed to drag a task from the table in the bottom and drop the task at the top table.
The task which is modified is then dependent on the task which is displayed in the top.

Modify assigned tasks

With clicking on the task name or double click in the task line the dialog opens to modify a task shell

Apart from the name of the task shell all fields can be changed.

Create task shell without task template

With clicking the "+" at the left bottom of the task assignment table the dialog pops up which allows the user to create a task shell for a DaVinci booking code.

Assign fulfillment plan to DaVinci booking code

To assign a fulfillment plan with all included task templates to a DaVinci booking code the booking code must be selected in the tree view on the left and the fulfillment plan has to be dragged from the table at the bottom left and dropped at the table at the top.


The workplace displays all tasks which have reached the notification date.

It is possible the change the state on task and subtask level. With clicking on the state a dialog pops up where it is possible to change the state and enter a comment.

It is possible to group the tasks per task name (default) or per departure („Gruppieren nach Reise")
An additional option for the user is to display only his task by enabling "Show only my tasks" ("Nur meine Aufgaben anzeigen").
To display also tasks which have not reached to notification date enable the "Show not notificated tasks" ("Nicht benachrichtigte Aufgaben anzeigen")
If the result list is grouped per departure all tasks are displayed under the departure header in the table at the top. The table at the middle shows all tasks per booking which are belonging to the selected departure. At the bottom all pax are displayed which are in the booking which is selected in the table in the middle.

Overdued tasks are displayed in red
Tasks which are in progress have a yellow blinkin light at the front of the line
Tasks which are "inactiv" because other tasks aren´t finished yet are displayed in light grey
Tasks which have to be checked because of changes while booking change or rebooking are displayed in orange
On the left side it is possible to filter the result list.

The following filter criteria is implemented:

  • Departure
  • Booking code
  • Due date
  • Notification date
  • Departure date
  • Task state
  • Booking number
  • Task name
  • User role

On task per participant level it is possible to display the history of one task.

The symbol opens the history for a task or a subtask

A click on the booking number displays the selected booking in the Genesis booking mask.

On the toolbar at the bottom the following symbols are displayed
Add a manual task for the selected booking
Batch mode
Refresh workplace view

Workplace batch mode

In the "task per booking table" it is possible to check all tasks which shall be changed in a batch process.

In this example four „Check Payment" tasks are checked.
With click on the batch mode symbol the batch dialog pops up.

All changes which are made in this dialog appear on all selected tasks. In this example the state is set to "Done" ("Erledigt").

Manual task creation for a booking

In the workplace it is possible to create manual tasks for a booking. Therefor it is needed to select a booking in the "task per booking table"

With clicking on the symbol a dialog pops up where the information for the manual task can be entered.

After storing the data the task is displayed in to workplace.

Booking independent tasks

On the top of the workplace it can be selected between displaying booking related tasks or showing booking independent task.

With clicking on the symbol a dialog pops up where the information for the manual booking independent task can be entered.