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tmp:New to Jack
tmp:Client Selection (1)
tmp:Client Selection (2)
tmp:Client Selection (3)
tmp:Client Selection Send to E-Mail
tmp:Bonus Points - Display at Client Selection
tmp:Foreign Currency
tmp:Fee management
tmp:Name Change ELVIA
tmp:Auto Archive of a PDF File in Document Management
tmp:Import SP-Invoices
tmp:Import SP-Invoices
tmp:Automatic Import SP-Invoices
tmp:Text Modules
tmp:PDF Invoice
tmp:Print Invoice - Information Block
tmp:Enhanced Task Rules
tmp:Output Forms
tmp:E-Mail - CC and BCC
tmp:TAPI Interface
tmp:Password Management
tmp:Air Plus Automatic
tmp:Text Processing - New Fields
tmp:Format Changes in Text Processing
tmp:Price Groups (1)
tmp:Price Groups (2)
tmp:Query - Flight Destination

New to Jack

A link to the Jack Manual (German only) has been introduced. All amendments of the current Jack Plus Version will described here.

Menu: < ? - Info about Jack >
Area: Button < New Features >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044670

Client Selection (1)

The Selection „Belongs to - Main Client"has been added to the Client Selection.

Menu: < Client - Selection >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044282

Client Selection (2)

If the last selection will be displayed correctly

Menu: < Client - Selection >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043744

Client Selection (3)

In some cases the selected fields were not exported from the client selection. Error resolved.

Menu: < Client - Selection >
Area: TAB < Settings > / List < Fields to Export >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044098

Client Selection Send to E-Mail

If the last selection is called up again (Send to E-Mail) the correct display will be opened.

Menu: < Client - Selection >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044224

Bonus Points - Display at Client Selection

If in client selection in Field < Field > the entries < Bonus points act. year >, < Bonus points total > or < Bonus points prev. year > are selected the appropriate value will be used on the list. If a multi selection has occurred the corresponding values are displayed.

Menu: < Client - Selection >
Area: Field //
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00039947


Client Data are able to be imported without bookings.

Menu: < File - CRS-Options - BBI / Automater >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043065

Foreign Currency

If a new service line or a new amount is added to an existing booking the existing exchange rate from the booking will be used.
Also it is possible to generate a direct conversion from CHF to USD.

Menu: < Booking - Booking >
Area: TAB < Services > and TAB < Charges/Infos >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043046

Fee management

If Fees have been entered "per Ticket", "per Passenger" or "per Flight segment" sometimes an error occurred. This Function now works correctly.

Menu: < File - Parameter - Fee-Rules >
Area: TAB < Service >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00042517

Name Change ELVIA

Name Change: Elvia has been renamed to Mondial Assistance.

Menu: -
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043986

Auto Archive of a PDF File in Document Management

Both are optional Modules. Upon printing a PDF File this file can be stored to the Document management.

Menu: -
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043986

Import SP-Invoices

The display error of importing errors for branches upon importing ERV data has been solved.

Menu: < File - Files - Import - Import SP-Invoices >
Area: ERV Import
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043111

Import SP-Invoices

During the Import of SP-Invoices a progress bar will be displayed.

Menu: < File - Files - Import - Import SP-Invoices >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043902

Automatic Import SP-Invoices

During the automated import of SP-Invoices by INVOX some errors occurred. Error resolved.

Menu: < File - Files - Import - Import SP-Invoices >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044384

Text Modules

The Text of a Text Module will be displayed if only a Service Provider has been selected.

Menu: < File - Parameter - Text Modules >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044714

PDF Invoice

In some cases the PDF Invoice showed wrong data. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: PDF Invoice
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044732


Additional Placeholder for Email distribution are added: "%employee.firstname%", "%employee.phone%" and "%employee.email%"

Menu: -
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043729

Print Invoice - Information Block

The space between description and value to the information block can be manipulated and set in cm in Settings.

Menu: < File - Parameter - Settings >
Area: Print-Parameter - Confirmation /Invoice - Settings - Entry 17
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045068

Enhanced Task Rules

A new optional Module for enhanced task rules has been developed. This module will keep rules for various tasks and these automated tasks will be introduced to all appropriate bookings.

Menu: < File - Parameter - Parameter Booking >
Area: TAB < Tasks > / Button < Enh. Task Rules >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00041604

Output Forms

Output forms are now able to be separated by mandants, regardless whether centralised or individual.

Menu: < File - Output Forms >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043597

E-Mail - CC and BCC

It can be defined in settings whether a Jack Plus Email shall be copied to a standard specific Email either in CC or BCC

Menu: < File - Parameter - Settings >
Area: < Global - Email Options > Entry 8 and 9
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044238

TAPI Interface

In last version of Jack Plus showed problems in connection the client data base with Phone suite. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: Additional Module TAPI Interface
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044984

Password Management

Changing the SP-Reference Number can now be allowed by a password right.

Menu: < File - Password >
Area: Area < Function > / List entry < Function -> SP-Reference Number editable >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045173

Air Plus Automatic

In some cases error occurred while uploading Air Plus Data. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: Air Plus Interface
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045196

Text Processing - New Fields

Two new placeholders are introduced to the text processing module:
< Booking - 2. Passenger Salutation > and < Booking - 2. Passenger Name >

Menu: < File - Text Processing >
Area: Menu point < Add - Field >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045518

Format Changes in Text Processing

In some cases changes to an existing document weren't saved. Error resolved.

Menu: < File - Text Processing >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045516

Price Groups (1)

The optional Module „Price groups"has been redesigned. Beside other Drag&Drop is ready to use.

Menu: < Booking - Booking >
Area: Button < Groups >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00042256

Price Groups (2)

Price Group Names are now allowed to be entered manually. If a Price Group Name is set it will be imprinted, if no Name is set the first Priceline will be used as Group name. Editable via F2, Context Menu, Left Click

Menu: < Booking - Booking >
Area: Button < Groups >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044756

Query - Flight Destination

A query on the Flight destination just linked to the first flight segment. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: Button < Query > in Selection
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045513

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