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Menü "Konfiguration" / "Systemeinstellungen" / "Konditionen" / "Preise - Regeln" / "Einkauf + Verkauf"

Klick mit der rechten Maustaste im rechten Fenster:


Title Select between Adult, Child, Baby or leave the field open
Title of the passenger in the booking:AdultH, D
ChildK (always take the 2nd child)
Age from/Age to Define from/to which age the rule should fire
From / To Define for which persons the rule should fire
Total Define for how many persons in total the rule should fire
Min. full payer Define the number of full payers
All participants in the unit have to have this rule
If flagged, the system expects all participants assigned to a certain unit (room), to must have this rule
Minimum full payer Mandatory flag if you have activated the field "Min.full payer" above
Define if it's on service (for every service) level or on unit (room only) level
CustomerYou may select a customer request so that rule is fired for when a specificcustomer request is booked - for example honeymoon reductions
Unit/Service/Booking Define if min/max participant is per unit (room), service or booking
From/To Define how many persons at least but not more have to be in the same unit, service or booking
Other fields Define if children or babies are included or excluded of the min/max persons
And / Or The min/max restrictions can be combined with AND/OR relation
All other participant rule fields are not in use at Kuoni Travel.


From / TillThe "From" / "Till" restrictions allow to declare the number of units that need to be
booked so that a certain rule is fired
Each Define each unit the rule needs to be fired - for example from 1 till 2 each 2 (means each second unit to fire the rule)
Amount Service The Amount-Service-Field allows to restrict the number of service lines created within the booking mask Genesis - for example 2 amount service (their need to be 2 units booked in Genesis to fire the rule)
Once per booking This flag is actually not working OI968_Kuoni Allgemein has been created already


Days (incl.) Declaration of days that need to be included in the travel date
Calculation Declaration of the calculated days (All days, closed days, once)
Check all days included all flagged days need to be included in the travel date
Check min. one day included at least one of the flagged days needs to be included in the travel date
Check dep. day included the flagged days need to be departure days
Min./Max. stay Declaration of the staying time - number of nights -
Related to total of travel date In case of assignment of the price rule to a certain price in a certain season, the system will calculate over the season if this flag is set
If payed daysdefine how many days have to be booked
Are x days from this freedefine how many days are free of the "payed days" above
Onceif flagged, the reduction is only taken once

Declaration of the concrete days to be paid
Cheapest days  in case of season-crossing the cheapest days are taken for calculation of the reduction
Cumulate  in case of season-crossing the system calculates an average of all day-prices to get the reduction
First days/Last days  the first days of the stay or the last days are for free
Most expensive days  the most expensive days are for free
Days before departure date of define how many days before departure is fired
