Fill out the following dialog
Booking nameenter the name of the package in German (multilingual field)
Booking codeenter the booking code
RequirementSelect the requirement
Anker | ||||
Anker | ||||
Price chartsin this window you can link purchase and selling price chart to a booking code (see manual Price Chart)
Manual prices allowed
Cancellation / Book.changein these fields you can link special cancellation and/or booking change charts to the booking code (leave open if the standard charts are applying)
Booking abilityselect the from dropdown box
Bookable bookable in all systems
Blocked externally blocked in CETS and Internet
Blocked for new bookings onlychanges in old files are possible
Closed as individual service only bookable in a package
Closed as individual service for CETSonly bookable in a CETS package
CRS blocked blocked in CETS only
Fully blocked blocked in all systems
Invoice suppliermandatory - – always select the address of the hotel or service provider for all other services - – this address is printed as service provider on voucher, invoice & request report as well as on itinerary
Destinationmandatory - select the address of the destination agency - – if
Request toselect the address where the request is send to
Pax list to
Statistic Codes
Type of travel mandatory - select the right type of travel
Destination mandatory - – select the right type of travel
Transportation mandatory - – select the right type of travel
Description of the statistic codes see next page
Nur Flug Arrangement CharterUse Type of travel CHA
Flug PauschaleUse Type of travel PACFLT
Fly/Drive/SleepUse Type of travel FDS
Example for statistic codes
To create periods (important for roundtrips, charter flights and packages with fix dates), click on button "Assistant" and fill out the following dialog
From / Till Datedefine the validity of the complete booking period of the specific booking code
Durationenter the duration for each departure
Daysflag the days of departure
Recurrencemark if it is weekly or every 2 week etc.
confirm with OK
The dates can be deleted and/or the status can be changed.
Dates checkselect "No check" if this dates are only for information use - – selection on Genesis service search but can be booked on all dates
select "Date check" if you want to limit bookings only for these dates in general (internal and external bookings) for example round trips or flight services.
Select "Term check for CRS only" if you want to limit CETS/TOMA bookings only for these dates
If arrival and/or departure is only possible on certain days or if there is a minimum stay of nights, click on the button next to Arr.-/Dep.day
DaysA=Arrival / R=Departure
Mark the days where arrivals and/or departures are allowed
Enter a from/till date if it is valid only for a certain date period
Leave open if arrival and/or departure are always allowed
Minimum stay (Nights)
Stay fromInsert minimum stay (nights) for example 2 for 2 nights minimum stay
Stay tillInsert maximum stay (nights) for example 99 nights maximum stay
Period fromInsert relevant period from date if minimum/maximum stay is only valid for a specific period
Period tillInsert relevant period till date if minimum/maximum stay is only valid for a specific period
Week daysSelect the relevant week days where the minimum/maxmimum stay is valid for (example minimum stay of 3 nights is only for arrivals on Thursday, Friday and Saturday then only select these week days)
ValiditySelect the corresponding validity of the period defined
Undefined Select if no period is used
Departure in period if departure is required within the defined period
Departure and arrival in periodif departure and arrival (service return) are required within the defined period
Stayif the general stay of the service is required within the defined period
In this tab you attach all booking codes which are included in this package
Newclick on button "New" to add a new service
Changeclick on button "Change" to modify a service (mark the service before)
Deleteclick on button "Delete" to delete a service (mark the service before)
Click on button "New" to add a new service and fill out the following dialog
Booking code:
Bookingcode nameclick into the field and select the right booking code
Service typesin this window you can define which service types should be shown and/or booked in Genesis and CETS/TOMA
Create newwith this button you can create a new booking code if one doesn't exist yet
Propertieshere you can see the details of the chosen booking code
Package Properties:
Assignmentselect between the following assignments
Optional the service is optional to book
Requirement the service is mandatory to book
Group optional the service is in a group (e.g. group "flight" if the client can select between several flights/airlines) and optional to book
Group requirement the service is in a group and one service of this group is mandatory
Groupif the assignment "Group optional" or "Group requirements" has been selected, the field "Group" has to be defined
Select from the dropdown box
Cancellation chartif a different cancellation chart is valid this booking code in a package than the usual, please select from the dropdown box
Price-Package groupif you select "Own package", the price won't be shown separately on the invoice - – always use for packages
Package Remarkleave open
Offer codeleave open
Rules controlleave open
Ignore sales price chart from the booking code flag if another price chart is valid for sales price
Ignore purchase price chart from booking code flag if another price chart is valid for purchase price
Manual price change allowed always flag - – same as within booking code
Use booking code prices according service duration not in use at
Service is CETS main service this flag is used in combination with child reduction hierarchy rules
Print parameters
The print parameters are automatically set
Please erase flag if you do not want to print this service as separate service line on invoice - – for example flight services within a package
Begin of the service andselect between the following services
End of the serviceBooking date related the service will be booked according to the booking date
Depending on departure datethe service will be booked according to the date of departure of the package
Depending on return datethe service will be booked according to the return date of the package
Don't use the other services as they are not working in CETS
Day(s) enter the amount of days this service will last
Example: If the service will start and end on the same day, enter 0
If the service will last 1 night, enter 1 in the day-field of "End of the service"
Selling priceselect from dropdown box if another price chart is valid than the one of the booking code (don`t forget to set the flag at "Ignore sales price chart from the booking code")
Purchase price chartselect from dropdown box if another price chart is valid than the one of the booking code (don`t forget to set the flag at "Ignore purchase price chart from the booking code")