Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Select menu "System setting", "Basis data / Travels" and "Categories"

Within left part use right mouse click and select "New"

Insert "Group - A", the relevant "Category - in this example Y for Economy class", the corresponding "Description", select "Type - Real" and press "OK" to confirm.

This set up only needs to be once by the system administrator.


Use right mouse click on "Aircrafts" and select "New Group"

Insert the corresponding title of the new group for example "2009" and press OK to confirm your entry.

Right mouse click on the new folder and chose "New object"

Tab "Object"
Fill in Name / Type of aircraft / Description and select the corresponding Category group (from the system settings)

Tab "Views"
Insert the title within the description field (exp. View A) leave other fields empty

Define the corresponding seats, by marking the relevant seats, the total number of rows (complete aircraft) and aisle right from seat - position of the "aisle (Gang in German)" and select "Row numerical, column alphabetically and press OK to confirm you entry.
The fields Aisle after row and aisles in first row are only used if within the aircraft an aisle (Gang) is existing between some of the rows.

The aircraft is created accordingly. Select the aircraft created, right mouse click and "Generate seat map"

Confirm with "Yes"

Output Tab "Object"

Output Tab "View A"


To get the Seat map menu bar select menu "View" and "Seat map"

Now mark the seats you want to open for reservation, right mouse click, select menu "Set category" and select the relevant category - Y within our example

The seats are now displayed in green meaning that they are active for reservation


Define the corresponding date range within the rotation properties and click on "search"

Click on tab "Summary change"
Within the field "Aircraft" - right part - select the new defined aircraft object and press "Change"

The aircraft is added to all flights selected within this specific rotation - confirm with "OK"

Create seats
