Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

When selecting "System Setting" from the Configuration menu in DaVinci, you can change from the following menu items.
The items marked bold and blue are the old AWGL (Config  Settings  Settings).

Settings: Described in Chapter 4

  1. Basic data
  2. Queue/CRM
  3. Booking management
  4. DaVinci
  5. CRS
  6. Railtour Budget Hotels
  7. Interface

Conditions: Described in Chapter 5

  1. Agency commission
  2. Agency - Rebate chart
  3. Cancellation chart
  4. Booking change
  5. Rules - groups
  6. Price rule category
  7. Price rules
  8. Handling fee
  9. Price - control
  10. Price calculation parameter
  11. Accounting
  12. Contracts for guaranteed prices

Accounting: Described in Chapter 6

  1. Accounting settings
  2. Account type
  3. Account groups
  4. Chart of accounts
  5. Predefined posting steps
  6. Account definition for automatic posting
  7. Session
  8. Business years
  9. Summary accounts
  10. Journal
  11. Sales office
  12. VAT statement codes
  13. Tax chart
  14. Currency chart
  15. Reminders setup
  16. Statistic accounts


Clients: Described in Chapter 8

  1. Client settings
  2. Sales region
  3. Reports
  4. Client cards