Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Cancellation table


commission behaviour

In Version 1032 the cancellation chart get a new functionality.
The commission, which is setuped in cancellation chart, will be settings related.
The user can define a commission in percent or absolute.
This commission will only be taken if a flag in addresses of agencys will be set.

Note that the commission in cancellation chart not depends on the usual commission table.
A commission on cancellation fees will be taken every time the flag in addresses is set, in fact of the case the agency will not get a commission on the sales price of the service, for example if there is no commission table setup in address.


Make a booking from a client, without commission:

After a cancellation of the booking, no commission will be taken:

Cancellation table


"Valid always"

If the flag "Valid always" is marked this cancellation fee is always valid, even if the cancellation already falls into a higher cancellation condition
This flag can only be used with an absolute cancellation fee.
This absolute cancellation fee do not need any product type!


The same booking like in 2.1.2, but now the flag "valid always" is disabled

Cancellation table


"Maximum booking"

With this new functionality the user can define the highest possible amount which is taken from this cancellation fee.
This maximum amount refer only at the cancellation fee, where it is set and not at all taken cancellation fees.
The "maximum booking" can only set at fees with absolute amount.


Book a service with two participants and cancel this booking

Because of the highest amount of 150CHF the cancellation fee is NOT 200 CHF

Cancellation table



Example for a cancellation table setup: