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For some touroperators, especially working with charterflights , it makes sense to give their tickets and/or vouchers numbers.
To set this up in Da Vinci it is necessary to create a type and a range.

Open the dialog stocks and open in the left window with the right mouse context the point create range.

Now user is able to give a name and a prefix for the range.
In the right window of the dialog user can open another context menu to create the range

If working with different sales offices assign a sales office to one range.
Start and end define the stock range actual value shows the current ticket or voucher number.
Further it is to define how long this range is valid.
Create date is a read only field.

How to assign a range to tickets or vouchers

Open reportfile assignment

This is the place to assign the stocks

And when the counter should count. Per booking, per service, per participant, or per service and participant.

After a print each printed document where a stock is assigned runs into a table. If there is an amendment in the service or in the participant name a new document will be printed with a new document number counted from the stock.
It is absolute comparable with the handling of IATA tickets.

Important note:
In the batchprint dialog is a new flag 'Keine Kopie drucken'

If this flag is set, Tickets and Vouchers for not amended Ticket and Voucherservices will not longer printed. Only, if that service is amended during a rebooking the tickets/vouchers will be printed.
This only works with Ticket Leistung and with Voucher Leistung

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