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tmp:Desk Top
tmp:Menu Bar
tmp:GIATA-Content Area
tmp:Function Bar
tmp:Open the Function Bar
tmp:Closing the Function Bar
tmp:Content of the Function Bar

Desk Top

Having started and logged in with JackPlus the JackPlus Desk Top will appear.

  • Menu Bar 1
  • GIATA-Content Area 2
  • Data- / CRS-Area 3
  • Function Bar 4


The sizes of the displayed areas: D „GIATA-Content Area"and „Data- / CRS-Area"are slightly resizable. Use the left mouse button to move the separator to the left or right.

The GIATA-Content Area will display links to new booking masks and available information for Hotels and brochures. Chapter 3.2. Will give you more details on this.

The „Function Bar"holds various functions and links.
Simply a mouse over the grey area will supply you with information. The bar will be closed when you remove the mouse from this area. Chapter 3.4. Will give you more details on this.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar holds some Buttons related directly to the Data-/CRS-Area.

Click to one of the buttons will initiate the appropriate action.

< New Booking > 1
The Button < New Booking > will generate an empty retainer clip.

< Booking Management > 2
The Button < Booking Management > will open the booking management in a new clip „VGV".

< Booking Management > 3
The Button < Booking Management > will open the booking management in a new clip „VGV".

< Client Profile > 4
The Button < Booking Management > will open the client search options.

< Statistics > 5
The Button < Statistics > will open the statistic in a new clip „Statistic".

< Settings > 6
The Button < Settings > will open the Settings in a new clip „Profile".
This clip will supply you with options and configuration settings for the Tabs < Profile > and < Weblinks >.

< System Configuration > 7
The Button < System Configuration > will open some Tabs displaying configuration choices in a new clip „System Configuration ".

GIATA-Content Area

As soon as you enter Hotel data to the CRS-Area 4 appropriate Hotel information will be displayed by GIATA into the GIATA-Content Area.
You need to have a valid GIATA Licence to use this service.

Underneath the Hotel name 1 alternate pictures of the Hotel will be displayed. If available, additional Information like rating etc will be displayed.

Details ca be displayed by clicking to the link < details > 2
The Detail informations will be displayed into the active Clip in a new Tab.

Alternates may be displayed by using the link < Alternates > 3
Available alternates will be displayed in a new TAB for you.

Beneath the Hotel details GIATA will display all available brochures and tour operator dealing with this Hotel (If Data provided). Each Brochure is escorted by a link < Details >.
This Link will open a new Browser window displaying the details of the brochure to this Hotel. This will provide you with additional information. If there are numerous links available you may use the scroll bar for alternate links.


Using the CRS-Area you may create, display, amend or cancel bookings.
Various Bookings can be opened at the same time. Data belonging to a booking are independent and can be used separately.
Each booking will be opened in an individual TAB called "Clip" 2.
You can switch from booking to booking by simply click on the required Clip.
The picture shows that Clip 2 is currently in use.
If you click to Clip one 1, this would be active and Clip Two 2 would be in the background as Clip One currently is.
Each individual Clip may be closed by clicking onto the Symbol < X > 3.


If you open a new clip, the already opened clips remain unaffected and will stay behind the new clip. Every clip can be shown if you click into the clips name.

Every clip contains one separate travel reservation containing various services.
The single services to a clip will be indexed on vertically arranged Tabs.


The closing of a clip causes NO cancellation.

Once the reservation is in the system it must be cancelled, when required, manually.
Ensure that, before the closing of a clip, the Service data were sent to the CRS; otherwise all amended Data will not be stored.

Each Clip contains two Tabs upon start:

  • Summary 4
  • EXPERT 5

The index map < Summary > displays draft of all services contained in the booking and the customer data.
The index map < EXPERT > will always be displayed first.


The next picture shows two opened clips.
In the first clip, displayed in foreground, shows a travel reservation for the customer "ANTON TESTERICH" and contains a package tour with flight and hotel.
The background clip holds a second, separate reservation for the customer "TEST JAE".
A click to the second clip will manoeuvre the first clip to the Background and the second clip is shown in the foreground (Pic. 9).
The reservation for the customer "TEST JAE" contains a package tour and, in addition a travel insurance. These two services are shown in the separate and vertically arranged index Tabs.


If you book a new service like an insurance, this is always booked to the open clip and therefore to this customer and its booking. Please ensure that you have either opened the correct clip or opened a new clip!

Function Bar

The Function bar contains diverse Areas, Functions and Links.

Open the Function Bar

The Function Bar is opened by moving the Mouse into the grey area.

Closing the Function Bar

The Function Bar is closed by moving the Mouse out of the grey area.

Content of the Function Bar

The extent of the shown areas, functions, and links in the Function Bar is different according to customer or cooperation and can deviate from the example shown here.
Pic. Fuction Bar shows, for example, 2 areas with the respective ones to accompanying functions or links shown: Services and web links.

Read next: EXPERT-Mask

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