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tmp:Name field with Credit Cards
Settings: Focus on Client Number
tmp:Passport Data
tmp:Additional Street fields
tmp:HON Number
tmp:Debtor Account
tmp:Add/Change Clients

Name field with Credit Cards

The name field associated with credit cards has been enlarged. Name and Surname are now visible.

Menu: Add Clients
Area: Bank/Card
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00033927

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Settings: Focus on Client Number

Settings can be changed to the focus on the Customer Number while Client search (instead of Name focused search)

Menu: Settings
Area: Client Search/Booking Search - Settings
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00041039

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Passport Data

If you introduce other passengers or family member with their Title and Date of birth, these details are added to the related passport data.

Menu: Add Clients
Area: Family/Passport
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00041115

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Additional Street fields

In the Settings the additional Street fields (addition 1 and addition 2) can be hidden.

Menu: Settings
Area: Client - Global - Settings
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00040254

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HON Number

The HON number field has been extended from 15 to 31 figures.

Menu: Add Clients
Area: Add Clients - additional
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00040463

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Debtor Account

If a Debtor account has not been liked in the right area of the collective accounts an error message has appeared while opening the customer file and the cursor has disappeared. Error resolved.

Menu: Add Clients
Area: Add Clients
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00041622

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Add/Change Clients

Now the automatic proposal of the City is only suggested if in the field <country> the land abbreviation DE is filled.

Menu: Add Clients
Area: TAB Client, Field <Country>
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00040251

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