Automatic Allotment request
Table of Content
1 Table of Content
2 Introduction
3 Requirement
3.1 Idea
3.2 Landscape
3.3 Selection Dialog Example
3.4 Automation
The user will use a selection dialog in DaVinci. The result will be send to a report form that can be sent to the service supplier either as single document or with the automation.
Situation of a certain allotment.
An existing allotment day is booked
In this situation 8 of 10 available allotments are occupied whereby 2 of it are optional bookings (but, they eat allotment).
Create new flag on allotment day "do not consider for allotment request":
Business case: The hotel replies that no more rooms are available for a certain period.
Then the user can set this flag so that the request logic will not consider that.
Do not consider for allotment request
Add here new flag default off.
This flag must be added to batch change dialogs.
Selection Dialog
Selection criteria (in brackets German version):
Reference date (Stichtag)01.01.2010 (default today +21 days)
Finish date (Endtermin)31.01.2010 (default+51 days)
Catalog (Katalog)Default actual catalogue
Booking Code select one booking code
Requirement (Anforderung) H (default "H")
Statistic Codes (Statistikcodes)
!!Use relabelled label text for statistic codes!!
Check [value] % occupied ([Wert] % belegtes Kontingent prüfen)
Request [value] % but max [value] allotments. [Wert] % anfragen aber maximal [Wert]
Send to Service Supplier, Invoice Supplier, Pax list recipient (Flags, default service supplier)
Reference date 01.11.2010
Finish date 30.01.2010
Catalog FTI
Booking Code empty
Requirement H
Statistic codes:
Country FL
Reiseart empty
Beförderung empty
Land USA
Region empty
Produkttyp empty
Check value 80%
Request value 20%
But max. 4
Send to Service supplier
Return all service suppliers which are linked to a booking code in catalog FTI with statistic code County (FL) and Land (USA) with a service type which allotment day has reached 80% (ROUND UP to next possible full absolute value) in the requested date range from 01.11.2010 until 30.10.2010 and request 20% more but max 4 new allotments and new flag in allotment day "Do not consider for allotment request" is inactive.
Calculation in this example.
Occupancy reached for allotment days between 02.11.2010 - 08.11.2010
Original allotment 10 * 20% = 2which is below 4 then 2
If it was originally 100:
Original allotment 100 * 20% = 20which is above 4 then 4
The allotment day must not be in the result when the certain allotment day is within the release period.
Example:Today: 15.11.2009
Reference date: 01.12.2009
Finish date: 31.12.2009
Release day of the allotment: 21 days before departure.
Then only allotment days are reported between 15.11.2009 +21 days and Finish date when the other conditions match= 07.12.2009-31.12.2009
For a certain allotment:
Return to report:
All used selection parameters
ID from supplier, invoice supplier or pax list recipient
Requested allotment
Requested bookingcode
Allotment day and additional number of allotment per each day
Remember the input of the dialog for the next time when it is opened.
Create a new report type in the report assignment.
Include the new report assignment in print automation
Header: Print Jobs -Request allotment
Name: Enter a name
List: Show the according new report assignment
XML data: display an stored XML
Output device: EMAIL, Fax, Printer when email use email (first found in case of more than one email address) of service supplier, invoice supplier and pax list recipient (depends which flag was set in the selection dialog).
If flag Output device from client is set then the according value is filtered by client setting mailing type RQ.
When it was result of a preview a new entry in the table should be determined with a flag.
Create new assignment under Listen: Kontingentanfrageliste
Software Documentation
New Report Assignment
New report assignment is available
New Flag in allotment
If this flag is activated then this allotment day should not be requested as part of the result of the report dialog.
The flag is part of all batch dialogs.
Make the selection
Fill in your selection criteria
Click on Search-Button
The user has here the ability to preview, print and mail directly.
Example of mailing to service supplier
Set-up for sending mails
Assign a sender email address
Assign SMTP settings
Assign email template
Assign email address in supplier which is linked to booking code
Store XML
Set up printer automation:
Possible values in column OUTPUT_DEVICE:
Printer = 1,EMail = 2File = 4Screen = 8History = 16Fax = 32
When flag is set for a certain allotment day this will be not part of the result.
When release time + actual date is higher than reference date this will be not part of the result.