07/2003 EH
1 Predefinition of a customer Request
Enhance the dialog for predefined Customer requests with the check boxes for preferents, essential, medical and personal. Enhance it with assignment of requirementcodes.
- Predefined (known) Essentials behind a service
If set a flag in essential the checkbox for medical must be disabled and if set the flag in medical the checkbox for essential must be disabled.
Set and assignment of essentials
- Create a new table
Create a new table for Essentials with following columns
- Description
- Art (assign a Produktart)
- Absolute (type an absolute amount)
- Von Tage (valid from)
- Bis Tage (valid to)
- EK/VK calculate it on purchase or on selling side
- Currency
- Create a list
Put all different sets in a list.
- Create a new entry for essentials in the AWGL
2.4 Create a new entry for essentials in the level of a country
2.5 create it also on the lowest level in a Bookingcode
2.6 Systematic
In that systematic we define, wich set will be use.
- If there is nothing behind Bookingcode and assigned country, use it from Anwendungsgrundlagen
- If there is nothing behind Bookingcode, but behind a country, which is assigned to that Bookingcode take that.
- Is there is one behind Options 2 in Bookingcode take that.
What will happen during a booking
It should work very similar to the rebooking fees.
3.1Case 1:
In a service in Genesis user assign a costumer request where the flag essential is set.
In that list user should only see customers requests, where flag personal is not set.
Genvas should create a new service line with Requirementcode E and bookingcode named essential or renamed, like in AWGL point 2.
Price will be calculated over the set which is valid for the bookingcode where customer request is assigned.
That mean all valid lines will create pricelines in that new servicelines. The description is the Preiszeilentext.
Attention: This will always given once per booking. If Genvas find more than one, take only that with the highest amount.
3.1.1 New Status RE
The service where an essential costumer request is assigned must get the status RE.
The special of that status is that this service runs into request handling, but decrease allotment, like RK. The difference is that relating to that status only a report will send out during request handling or suppliers interface, that request that essential.
In the case that a room is on request and an essential is requested then use Status RQ,
If request on OK Status should also have Status RK.
- Fixing RE in the request handling, with confirm.
It is not possible to fix it with an own actioncode in Genesis, only in RQ handling.
3.1.3See it in the bookingdialog
If a customer request is behind a service a blue post-it icon should appear on the line number, like for remarks. (Internal Info: requested by HLKF as well). If there are a remark and a CR Post-it become green.
- Case 2:
User assign a costumer request with flagged medical checkbox.
In that case new service line Essential will created automatically, with no charge, but with status RQ. So that the whole booking has the status RQ.
But all related services hold their old status e.g. OK.
If an essential and medical essential are booked. The status still must be RQ, but the price line from the essential also must be fired.
- Case 3:
- User assign an essential behind a participant:
all bookingcodes which are having requirements, which are assigned to that customer request See chapter 1.1 must run into status RE and a new essential serviceline will be created with the charge of the highest amount founded in an assigned set of charges for essentials.
- User assign a medical behind a participant:
Same procedure like in put a medical in service. All services are still on their old status for example OK, but new created line for essentials run into RQ without charge.
- Case 4 (not relevant for ANWB):
User assign a free defined CR. (unknown)
In that case user must decide, is it a medical or an essential and put in the text, what costumer will have.
The procedures behind will be the same like in predefined CR.