

Bug-WI 11827 7.7.2011
Description of the fix of error WI 11827:
Error message and Davinci crash in different dialogues

Description (please provide in English):
When open seasen table in dialog of price table there comes up an error message: " Es wurde ein falsches Argument festgestellt".
This also happens when try to create a new "Zielgebiet" in statistic code. Ater opening creation dialog and fill the fields for a new "Zielgebiet" DaVinci crashes when leave the dialog.

Preistable can be open without any problems now:

you can dirctly access the next dialog.

After clicking to the catalog NO error message comes up !

2.) Error will not come up anymore when opening Price Matrix:

Price Matrix opens without any problems now.

3.) DaVinci Crash:
Go to Systemeinstellungen > Basisdaten/Reisen > Statistikkennzeichen > Zielgebiete and create NEW one:

Ypu can open „Neue" now without any problems:

Error Message does not come up anymore!
DaVinci does not crash anymore when leaving this dialog with OK!