Allotment Steering

Allotment Steering

1. Introduction
1.1. Allotment types
1.1.1. Guaranteed Allotment
1.1.2. Pro Rata Allotment
1.2. Existing functionality
2. Allotment Steering
2.1. Sub allotment functionality – Allotment Terms
2.1.1. Terms for Pro Rata Allotment
2.1.2. Terms for Guaranteed Allotment
2.1.3. Allotment Details
2.2. Sub allotment functionality – Allotment steering
2.3. Suballotment functionality – Price steering
3. Booking Process
4. Booking en bloc
5. Mixed Booking from both sub allotments


The intention to steer allotment bases on the fact that there are two types of allotments with different conditions. Those conditions are the release dates and might also be reflected in different prices. The total amount of rooms should be represented by one allotment counter. However, it is required have the possibility to steer which allotment type will be used during booking process.

Allotment types

The different allotment types can be described as following.

Guaranteed Allotment

This type of allotment is available for the booking process until the clients' day of departure. Guaranteed allotments have definite costs.

Pro Rata Allotment

Pro Rata allotments are available for the booking process until a certain release date. On release date the sold rooms are notified at the supplier and the unsold rooms are 'given back'. No costs apply for the unsold rooms due to the Release agreement.

Existing functionality

At current stage it is already possible to distinguish the two allotment types in DaVinci. However, current system logic takes Guaranteed Allotments first during booking process and then switches to Pro Rata allotments.

Allotment Steering

In order to have the choice which allotment type will be reduced first during booking process existing sub allotment functionality can be used.

Sub allotment functionality – Allotment Terms

To have a general counter for the total amount of rooms (independent of the allotment type) a main allotment needs to be set up entering the amount of rooms as 'Normal' which automatically is reflected in the field 'Total amount'. In this example a Main Allotment with 4 rooms has been set up.

In a next step two suballotments (with access code 'Guaranteed' and 'Pro Rata') need to be created splitting the total amount on the two allotment type.
In this example 2 rooms have been defined for each allotment type by entering the amount of rooms as 'Normal'. The checkbox 'Allotments are decreased from Main Allotment' needs to be activated.

Terms for Pro Rata Allotment

In order to define the Pro Rata conditions the Release Dates need to be defined.

Terms for Guaranteed Allotment

In order to define the conditions for Guaranteed Allotments the Release Dates need to be defined.

Allotment Details

The defined amount and conditions are displayed in the Allotment View. When clicking on the allotment header (here PMIHALLOTME) the counter of 4 rooms in total is visible.

The Main Allotment has a Total of '0' as all the rooms have been decreased when setting up the sub allotments.

The Sub Allotment has a Total of '2' rooms which have been decreased from the original 4 of the main allotment during set up. In column Limit the Release Days '0' before departure are displayed.

The Sub Allotment has a Total of '2' rooms which have been decreased from the original 4 of the main allotment during set up. In column Limit the Release Days '-9' before departure are displayed.

Sub allotment functionality – Allotment steering

The main allotment will be used on first stage during booking process. As this has a Total amount of '0' the functionality of switching to a sub-allotment when sold out can be used in order to define which of the two sub allotment types should be used first.
In this example Pro Rata allotment will be sold first and - once it is sold out – the Guaranteed allotment will be used.
This can be set up starting on the main allotment. As Additional Data the checkbox 'Use alternative sub-allotment when this one is sold out' needs to be activated and Pro Rata needs to be selected in the drop down menu.

On the sub allotment for Pro Rata the second step can be accordingly. As Additional Data the checkbox 'Use alternative sub-allotment when this one is sold out' needs to be activated and Guaranteed needs to be selected in the drop down menu.

In case that the sequence shall be changed that Guaranteed allotments shall be sold before the Pro Rata ones this order can be changed again starting with the definition on the main allotment.

Suballotment functionality – Price steering

If the prices are the same for both types of allotment a standard Main Price chart can be set up.
In case that different rates apply for the two allotment types the existing functionality of using a sub price chart with a different access code when using a certain sub allotment can be used.
In this example the Pro Rata allotment is sold for 1.000 SEK per night whilst the price for a Guaranteed allotment is set up as 2.000 SEK per night.

The link between the sub price charts valid in combination with a certain sub allotment can be done on the sub allotments – tab 'Optional' - by selecting the Access Code included in the sub price chart to be used when this sub allotment is booked.

On the Guaranteed sub allotment Access Code 'Guaranteed' needs to be linked.

Access Code 'Pro Rata' will be linked on the sub allotment Pro Rata.

Booking Process

A booking file for one room is created from 01.10.-02.10.2010. As defined during set up the first two rooms shall be taken from the Pro Rata sub allotment. On allotment level the sub price chart with Access Code 'Pro Rata' is linked which includes a price of 1.000 SEK per night.

The price is taken correctly and in the details of the Pro Rata sub allotment the according room is taken as 'Occupied'. The participant information on this allotment is related to the correct booking file.

A second booking file is created from 01.10.-02.10.2010 where two more rooms are sold. The first one will be taken from the Pro Rata sub allotment with the price of 1.000 SEK. As the two Pro Rata rooms are then sold out for the 01.10.2010 the switch to the Guaranteed sub allotment with the according price (2.000 SEK) is done.

In the allotment view the changed allotment information is displayed on Pro Rata sub allotment.

As well as on the Guaranteed sub allotment

The counter on the allotment header provides information about the Total

Booking en bloc

The aforementioned concept is based on the assumption that the entire stay is booked inside one sub allotment. In order to define this system logic it is necessary to activate the checkbox 'Book from one sub allotment only'.

The system checks in this case if all days in the travel period are available inside the sub allotment. If not, the next sub allotment will be checked until one is found where the booking can be entirely created on.
In this example a new booking file is created from 01.10.-03.10.2010. For the first night the sub allotment Pro Rata has already been sold out, but one room is left in the sub allotment Guaranteed. Due to the booking en bloc setting the booking can only be realized inside the Guaranteed sub allotment.

The allotment view now displays the Booking Number and participants for both nights inside the Guaranteed sub allotment.

Mixed Booking from both sub allotments

The aforementioned concept is restricted pricewise in case that Booking File 80 would have been created without the setting 'Book from one sub allotment only' on the allotment header.
Allotmentwise, the system would then decrease the night from 01.10.-02.10.2010 from the Guaranteed sub allotment and for the night from 02.10.-03.10.2010 take the room from the first priority sub allotment Pro Rata which would then be available again.
Yet, the pricing would only use the prices found in the first sub price chart used in the booking.A mixed pricing on a daily base from both sub price charts is not existing.