JPC - Settings


tmp:Start Settings
tmp:User Profile
tmp:Web link
tmp:Set up Web links
tmp:Add Web links
tmp:Change Web links
tmp:Change sorting


The settings will allow you to amend your User Profile and generate own Web links to be displayed in the function bar.

Start Settings

Settings are started via the Button < Settings >.

User Profile

The TAB < profile > will show your user profile and offers the possibility to change.
You my also store the information that, upon login with JackPlus, IRISplus should be loaded.
Click on < Save > to store all amended Data.

Web link

Web links are displayed in the function bar in the column < web link > vertically...
A click to one of the links and the suitable Internet site is called and shown.

Setup Web links

Click on < web link > to initiate a new TAB < web link >. Web link shall be generated or changed here.

Add Web links

Click on the button "+", add in the "Web link" area the data for the new link.

Click on the button < save > and the new link will be stored.

Change Web links

Click on the Link to be changed from the list with the Web links.
Change the data of the "Web link" (Pic. Weblink) and click < save > to store possible changes.

Change sorting

The order of the web links displayed in the function bar can be changed.
Mark the Link to be changed, use the arrow symbol to shift the Link one line up / or down.